How do you save money by working out at home? The obvious is avoiding a gym membership of course, but what other ways do you save some extra cash. At some point you may want some equipment like dumbbells and pull up bars. I have found good deals on craigslist for old dumbbells. Where else should I be looking? Any tips are welcome!
Yeah, the whole idea seems to be logical and smart. All those gym memberships seem to be way overpriced, especially if the place is popular and well-advertised. Here's what I can advice: 1. Become good or even great friends with your personal coach, so you will be able to ask him for some advice absolutely for free 2. Do a lot of things that don't require an equipment. Push-ups, for example. 3. Get the necessary equipment somehow. If you plan to continue working out on a daily basis, this will be more useful than attending an expensive gym.
First, find some borrowed equipment like dumbbells and pull up bars. Then proceed perform a beginner workout that can be easily consulted in internet and stick with it. If you have results, buy heavier and more specialized equipment, exercise another body parts than you couldn't before. Invite a friend to workout with ya, that's a nice idea to develop a habit. Happy six months of effort!.
As others said, used dumbbells can be bought for fairly cheap and there are also a ton of free videos online with exercises for working out at home - with or without weights. I've seen some get creative with their weights, using things like water jugs, wine bottles, or even babies.
There are some great workout channels on YouTube, such as FitnessBlender or Blogilates. And any time a video suggests using weights you can use a backpack filled with books, filled water bottles or cans depending on how much weight you want to life. Really simple and cheap!
Working out at home is a good idea because it not only saves cash but its also convenmient. I find it easier to compensate for workout hassles by being involved in manual tasks around the home like fetching water or gardening. There is never a shortage of tasks at home some which involve heavy lifting or movement and I find it more productive to get involved in these than use my energy to accomplish aerobic activities that yields no dividends. You require no additional equipment or expenses. Walking is another excellent strategy to keep fit.
Well my parents bought us a stationary bike, a pilates ring, an ab-forming machine and some weights. Most of those exercise tools have been with us for years. Hardly anyone uses them but when the occasion calls for it, no one has to go to the gym. We just need to use them again to achieve any short-term or long-term fitness goal. Lesson: buy your own equipment. It'll save you more than when you purchase a gym membership.
I agree with @Nero-Bianco's recommendation of FitnessBlender, that is a great free site with some fun workouts and a lot of good information. I bought a set of adjustable dumbells that I can add weight to, this is probably my best home equipment. That, some running shoes, and a yoga mat can get almost anyone in great shape without spending a lot of money!
It's way better to just go to a park with fitness equipment. There's usually more than enough at parks with decent equipment for anyone to get a workout everywhere, most gyms are just for the leisurely/comforting nature, but going outdoors and busting your back on a big metal thing is usually way more badass.
This is so hard... Working out at home is practically impossible for me. After I get home and see the couch, I'm pretty much done. I don't know how to actually get my bottom up and start working out after I get home, and to be honest I haven't been very motivated to go to the gym either lately. I need to reestablish my motivation to work out, be ir at home or at the gym.
My high school chum is a gym manager. Her gym is located in the nearest mall to our office. Since she has privileges and seeing me as overweight, she offered me a big discount for membership. But I declined the offer because I have no time to spend for the gym. I have an office work and the traffic is heavy in the main road such that I reach home in time for dinner. During weekends, I so house chores like bathing the dogs and folding the new laundry into the cabinet. My only workout is the brisk walking after dinner and the bending and stretching in the morning.
My first purchase was a barbell set and bench and it's allowed me to workout at home the last 7 years or so, only cost me 300 dollars so a lot cheaper than a gym membership I'd say. Since than I've gotten a pull-up bar and dumbbells from garage sales and the like. A pull-up bars is where I'd start if I couldn't afford weights, and do a lot of body weight exercises. I'd also recommend buying any barbell new because any used bars are most likely bent, but at least inspect any used ones before buying.
I like working out at home to save money, time and you can do your workout at the time you'd like to and however long you need to exercise at home. You save on travelling expenses to and not buying all those fancy clothes you need to exercise with when you go to the gym to workout too. I like the comfort of working out at home too. All around for me it's easier, saves me money and it's more comfortable to workout at home!
Working out at home saves lots of money! The gym makes me nervous anyway. I have a few (free!) apps that I use for workouts. The Nike Training Club one is great and offers lots of workouts you can do at home, a lot of them with no equipment and most with the option to not use equipment. The equipment is pretty basic though, just mats or chairs. Sometimes the app says using barbells or a kettle ball will benefit the workout, but you can get those pretty cheap, especially if you search online. I also love to hike- it's free, a great workout, and you can vary it by going to different parks and trails.
This is what I've been doing now because I can't afford to go to the gym anymore. There are lots of workout videos on YouTube that I follow and the best thing about this is I can do a different workout everyday. The workouts I find range from ten minutes to forty-five minutes and I would sometimes follow them up with a good yoga routine to relax my body after an intense cardio workout. Really, the Internet is full of them!
If you could find some weights, or like a whole free weight set online somewhere for a fairly cheap price, you should take advantage of that. Inside of a gym, you don't really control the weights because you don't own them. It actually feels nice to work out from home because your saving on gas for one, you don't need to pay for a membership and you don't need to worry about wear and tear, or other people getting in the way etc. Plus you can take advantage of doing things with your weights by following videos that you see online. Have them play on a big screen TV and work out like that.
I'm starting a home gym myself because mine is crowded and there is no floor person to assist anyone. I got my exercise bands at Target and Walmart. I got a cycling device from Amazon. I tried to get a stepper but it was larger than expected and did the same thing as the bike. Still looking for an elliptical that can meet my special needs
I usually workout with simple exercises and go for yoga. I believe a lot in yoga as it helps in molding both our physical and mental being. By doing yoga I burn fat and at the same time, I keep my mind fresh and calm which helps me to be active and be focused on my works.
I do work out from home simply because I'm comfortable doing it at home instead at the gym with many people. Another reason is that it's cheaper since I don't have to pay for anything like membership fees and stuff. I don't have dumbbells but I'm planning to buy one soon. Right now I'm eyeing on this ankle weights I found online which is very affordable and on sale I hope I can get it as soon as possible
I do not spend money for workout purpose in a gym or anywhere as I do not believe in artificial ways of exercising. I have spent lot of time working out by natural ways like walking, jogging, push ups, leader climbing besides wight training in sports hostels during my school and college days. I think pumping iron in gym is painful experience in your older days so try the natural ways that saves you money as well give you permanent results.