University text books can be extremely expensive, and it's not always possible to recoup your money by selling them back after the semester, because bookstores often have buy back limits. This is something to consider, if you're looking to save some money on text books, or even if you simply don't want to (or aren't physically able to) lug heavy books around with you.Log In
Renting e-books is one of the best things to happen to a college student. I remember when I first returned a few years ago to see that few textbooks costs less than $100. Unfortunately, my school has a hustle where some books are published in-house or a code (from a new book) is needed to enter the online class.
Another cute way to save money on college books is to buy used and provided they look new and their condition doesn't change much by the time you are done with them, you can re-sell them and get a little bit of cash which can be used to buy more books which you'll need. I don't know about renting . . . but for more expensive books I think this would be a good option.
I didn't know that you could rent e-books, such a great idea. Like what @Denis Hard said, I used to buy second hand books. This has saved me a lot of money. The only problem is the edition. Sometimes, the older edition books are not that accurate anymore. So I ended up photocopying sections of the newer edition books.
I didn't know you could rent textbooks either. My daughter has gone back to school and just purchased a load of books for next semester, this information could have saved her some. I have shared this with her so that she can use it next time she needs to purchase books.