My husband invented something to help save gas! Only thing is he didn't get it out there in time and someone else invented too! So he says I can tell about his, cause his is better due to it needs no electrical. Get a fan from a computer tower, place in the intake hose right behind the air filter. You will need to trim off the corners, all you do is place it there and it will give you more power and help save gas!
Increasing the amount of cold air to the intake seems to help with the amount of gas the auto will use. I took a quick look on google for something like what you say your husband came up with, what does he do to keep dirty out?
I will mention this to my boyfriend because he knows more about cars than I do. I am a little unsure if it would work for our car without it interfering in the capability of other parts in the car to work. From your description it seems rather simple but I am not a woman who knows a lot about cars. I will run this by my boyfriend or my dad because we are in desperate need to save on gas!
I'm not sure if it will help though. I believe stepping on the accelerator will still put gas on those tubes to burn to keep the crank turning. There is actually a claim and i don't know if its true that water can run vehicles, this should be the answer though but then of course big companies won't benefit with such invention.
I have used this technique before and I've heard about it for a few different people. So my question to you is that did your husband really figure it out himself or maybe had it from somebody else and decided to try it out. This technique does save gas but what I found was that it didn't save as much as I expected. So for me it was a bit of the diminishing return which wasn't worth all the fussing to do with my car and computers in the end. But it is a good idea and I definitely recommend it to a lot of people.
I heard about some gas saving gizmo that was invented by Koreans years ago. However, I haven't heard tell of it since and I don't know if it became popular, but probably it didn't. Anyhow, though, I'm wondering why such inventions never make it. It seems they would sell like hotcakes.
Pardon me if this runs counter to that invention. I am no mechanical engineer and I'm not even good at cars. But in the olden days, there was this gadget that you attach to the carburetor to save gas. And based on the mileage, it indeed had save fuel consumption no matter how minimal. But a veteran mechanic told me that the excess air pumped to the engine will somehow choke the supply of gasoline therefore the gas intake would be lesser. But the effect is the slow reaction of the engine. In other words, there is less gas consumption so there is less power in your engine.
There seems to be a saving of gas but not as much as it should be. So it is just no saving of gas at all. I am not a driver but what I have learned from other driver's experience on saving gas. Gas is consumed when the car is in motion or when the engine is running while on standby. It is therefore necessary to turn the engine. Another is a practical way of saving gas. It is a good move of buying gas early in the morning that at noon where the temperature is too hot.
@Alexandoy Possibly that was what the Koreans invented. Anyhow, as I said, I never saw it take off in the US, but maybe it became popular in your country. @Nakitakona Also, another method involves buying fuel efficient tires. In fact, one brand can save you 2,600 miles in gas, assuming you're driving 65,000 miles.