What happens when you buy a beauty product and you either just don't like it or you're sure it doesn't do the job it's intended to do? I've read a few articles online which suggest that you can return such beauty products if you don't like them as long as you have a receipt.Pretty good, huh?
I have only heard of places that will take a return on opened beauty products when there is a problem with expiration date, packaging or possibly discoloration. But I have never heard of anyone who takes it back if it just did not work for your personal beauty needs. However, if there was a product like that I would think you would have to return it to the manufacturer; most stores would not want to deal with fulfilling the brand names promises.
I very rarely return a used beauty product but I have done it at Sephora one or two times. I make sure to not take advantage of the system, as I have seen customers returning items they used up and then claimed they didn't like it, because I appreciate the courtesy the store is extending. These types of return policies make me more likely to purchase products because it is somewhat reassuring to know if your expesnive purchase doesn't work out you're not out the money.
It sounds great in theory, but I wonder if it's true in practice. I have never returned a beauty product that I already opened. Usually I always use the same products that I trust. But on the rare occasion when I try out something new and don't like it, I simply offer it to my sister or some friend. And if they don't have any use for it either, I just throw it away.
I have returned other products for exchange in the past along with the receipts but as for beauty products, I never tried or bothered to return ones that I either found useless or I dislike. I just simply give it away to my sisters or friends if I really am not going to use it.
Those stores have a great policy for still accepting opened beauty products. I guess they're willing to go the extra mile in pleasing their customers and trying to attract new ones. Over here I don't know what their policy is like regarding beauty products, but no refunds are offered over here, only item exchanges.
I have never heard of a place taking back unopened beauty products. I'm usually pretty good at picking out the right products for my skin type and tone. If I ever come across a beauty product that doesn't work for me, I will most likely try to find someone to give it to. Beauty products are not cheap so I always do my best to pick out the right shade/texture/consistency the first time so I DON'T get stuck in that kind of dilemma.
I have had no problems returning beauty products. The items are never opened and I make sure I have the receipt attach. The only time it becomes an issue is when the item has been used by the customer. At least these are the complaints I have read online by displease consumers who couldn't send a fragrance back to the merchant. I am a seller on Amazon and beauty products are some of the items I offer to customers. I have a policy if the item has been used I will not accept it as a return. My company must to be able to resell the item and I can't sell something used in Amazon's fragrance department. I wish more customers understood this policy because I have face nasty comments about my company in their feedback.