Just thought I'd share a little tip I use to help reduce loo roll consumption in my house... Just squash the roll slightly before placing on the holder, so it has more of an oval shape. This will slow the rate at which it unravels, meaning that peole are likely to pull fewer sheets off. Try it, it really does work! Does anyone else have any little tricks they use?
I don't think I would have ever thought of that, but I imagine it does work. I know that I sometimes can be little heavy handed and zing a good bit more off the roll than I intend. Sometimes I try to roll some of it back on, but most times I just let it be.
I've never thought of this but it does sound very sensible. I'm a little hesitant because I prefer the roll to look round and tidy but I guess if it saves me money then it should be okay. I use a lot of tissues and paper towels myself as I prefer it to rags especially in the kitchen and I mostly just try and get as much use of whatever I take out, meaning I'll be strategic with what I use of wipe with it first so I can possibly wipe something else afterwards.
That's an interesting suggestion that I will admit to never thinking about myself. After all, why would we think that the shape of the roll would make any difference in how much is actually used. But as you said it can help keep the roll from dispensing more at once then if it was round. I will have to keep this in mind in the future and actually try it to see if it does indeed work. It certainly couldn't hurt to at least try.
Hahaha!!! People are so creative. I never would have thought of this in a million years. Unfortunately I am one of the worst people when it comes to toilet paper waste. I use a lot of it, and for all sorts of things besides cleaning up after myself after I pee or go for a number two. I will have to try this oval trick.
You're right, this really helps. I've read about this the other day and decided to try this trick first before putting my comment. It's been two days since I last put a roll of tissue paper but until now, I am so happy to see that I still got a thick roll of tissue paper in the toilet. Normally, our tissue paper would only last for about 3 or 4 days since my husband is one of those worst people when it comes to toilet paper waste. This works like magic. Thanks Missbishi for the tip.
That's actually pretty smart! I use tons of paper, sadly. My brother used to tell me to only use 2 squares per go, but I don't think 2 squares is enough for most ladies, especially during that special time of month... I'll try the squashing and see if any rolls last longer or if I still take the same amount anyways (because I feel "safer" with the extra layers >_>)
I just tried the squashing the roll, it did slow the roll of the paper some. I hope this works to reduce the use of tp in the main bathroom, the one the kids use and waste paper all the time. Now will this work for the paper towels also?
I will try this tip later when I go inside the bathroom. I don't really use tissue that much as compared to other people, so I'm sure they would get to save a few bucks on tissue.
Hehe I love it and can confirm it does work, because I've been doing it for the longest time. I just assumed everyone else did it. But clearly not, judging by the responses! Isn't it weird how we always overlook or don't even think of seemingly obvious ideas until someone else mentions them?
I'm sure it's very efficient but I think my girlfriend will be giving me funny looks if she thinks I'm economizing on toilet roll! It's always nice to hear unconventional approaches to saving a bit of money though.
I wonder how this would work for those people go to extremes and buy one-ply toilet paper so they can save some money. It's a nice tip nonetheless, one which I will presently try out. As long as it will save me some money I'm all for it.
That sounds really handy. And you are absolutely right. I have observed that squashed toilet rolls seem to last longer. I wonder about the one-ply toilet paper that Denis mentions above. I didn't even know that such a thing exists. Here, where I live, you always have to pay to use public toilets, and you get a pre-measured amount of toilet paper. Maybe that's an idea for trying out at home as well.
Oh interesting! I'd never thought about that. I'm sure it's particularly helpful in households with kids who simply spin and pull off large amounts. I thought for sure this was going to be a thread about limiting use to only 2 squares each...or splitting two-ply paper in half.
This is so simple. I will try just about anything, because it is just amazing how fast the toilet paper roll becomes empty in my house. It is so true that even one roll of the hand sends so much paper flying off. It is actually one of those things we do, often without realizing it. Then, when we reaIize how much money we are spending on toilet paper, we grow a conscious. I have tried to count blocks and everything. I am going to give this a try.
Lol! okay so, I have never done this and I don't think I will. I don't think I will because I tend to pull of just the amount I need, I'm not a waster so anything I use...I use it in moderation. Nonetheless, very interesting thought, I think it may very well work for those who are a little faster at pulling the roll than I am.
I am a bit of a germaphobe. I use the toilet roll that is there to do a lot of things that do not involve wiping after I have been to the toilet. Like, the light switch?? I know that the children in my household have poor hygiene because they are kids and are still learning proper bathroom conduct, and I know that there have been times when they have used the bathroom, not washed their hands, and have turned the light off with dirty hands. So I will take a square of paper and use that to turn the light off when I leave the room. I am pretty wasteful with paper, regardless of tricks.
I never thought about this technique, but I am going to try it and see if it works in my home. My kid's tend to yank on the roll and have a huge wad of it by the time it stops. I have tried using single ply as a way to conserve, but for obvious reasons, I prefer double ply. Another method I have tried is only pulling off a couple of squares each use, but I don't think any other people in my family care to pay enough attention.