Raising money for a discount/coupon website

Discussion in Stores Reviews, Comments & Complaints started by discountprof • Apr 1, 2013.

  1. di

    discountprofNew Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Dear all! Me and my friend are currently starting a campaign that will make our dreams come true. We want to build a great fully automated online store like Amazon, eBay or etsy with a full focus on discounts and coupons and lowest fees for businesses as possible. The only thing we are lacking is a starting budget purely for a website development with great functionality, both for clients and for businesses. That is why we are trying to accumulate $5,000 for this project.

    I hope that dontpayfull users will consider the whole idea behind the project as beneficial both to users and to clients in the long term perspective. We would be very grateful if anyone could donate some money or contribute to our project in any other way.

    Our project is listed on INDIEGOGO -

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    Please let me hear your thoughts and questions :)
  2. APluckeyduck


    Apr 1, 2013
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    It's always commendable when someone has a plan and is willing to see it through to fruition. The fact that you've signed up for this thread, on what possibly will be your future competition, also shows that you have spunk. However, your story doesn't compel me to want to "donate" funds to a venture that only furthers your life. You may want to tweak your request to include something that will benefit your donor. Is the donation tax deductible? Will you issue shares of ownership to donors? Will you offer lifetime free shipping or any other perk? You have to make it worthwhiile for the public. This response is not intended to be hurtfu, I just thought that I could at least donate some pearls of wisdom.

    Good luck on your new venture!