At the end of the day, I like to watch my series with coffee and my daily allotment of sugar. I don't have alot of money, so I can't break the bank, but nonetheless I don't like to waste my sugar allowance on cheap crap. Recently my gas station started stalking products from a Mexican brand, Gamesa's Emperador chocolate sandwich cookies, and I have been very pleased. They are only about $.70 for a pack of 6 cookies, noticeably cheap compared to the brand name candybars on the shelf. The packaging and product design are elegant, which is nice, but on to the meat and potatoes of the product: The cookies are firm but not hard, and have solid chocolate flavor. The cream in the middle adds a nice burst of sweetness, with a caramel-butterscotch taste, but is not overpoweringly sweet. I like them better than oreos, which I find too sugary, and lesser in flavor. A critique I have of this product is that the cookies have the 'sawdust quality' that is often problematic in processed bready-chocolate products. Your standard Oreos suffer from this same problem, where, the cookie-biscuit will absorb saliva too readily, and turn into a sticky paste that gets stuck in the crowns of your back molars. But when dipped in coffee, the cookie-biscuit absorbs the liquid, and looses the 'sticky paste' quality. So for me this quality is not a problem, and I do recommend these as great accompaniments to coffee.