What do you think about those shady pre-workouts.It usually happens to see the package of one of those things lying around in the locker room and I kinda feel sorry for the guy who uses it. I personally find them useless and addictive which leads to a waste of money. I never tried one actually. Did you try them?
You mean pre-workout supplements right? I personally don't drink them, but I don't think they're completely useless. When I asked a few cursory questions about workouts, some of my weightlifting friends have mentioned pre-workouts. They said that they had saw improvements while using them, so. Even if the whole concept of drinking supplements specifically before workouts is just a marketing scheme, they're just a collection of vitamins/proteins so they'll probably be beneficial if only for that fact.
Supplements only work if you have a deficiency in something. If you are at all serious about working out, you should be counting your macros and getting the right nutrients and vitamins from your food anyways, so I think it's redundant and a waste of money.
I rarely drink supplements. I agree that they are a waster of money, because first we can get all what our body needs through proper nutrition and that means proper well-balanced meal. Besides it's really good to eat, it's just that you have to eat healthy. So, why spend on supplements that make you feel nothing for drinking them other than the fact that they provide you what you only need, but without giving you pleasure?
Yes, this is what I meant. I usually am verry motivated and ready for every workout, but if it happens to be a little bit tired or something like that, a coffee will do the job.
I don't think those are necessary at all. That said it might be good to have a very light meal before working out so that you have enough blood sugar. I find a small apple and a small glass of water to be great for getting me ready for a workout at the gym.
Pre-workout works as a placebo for plenty of people, so that's technically all that really matters. If they contain some caffeine, then a person can technically get a slightly better workout in sometimes. I dont' take pre-workout, but I've never had problems meeting my personal goals in the gym.