Is anyone here familiar with the program Pocoyo? I'm not sure if it is a British production but I believe toys from that TV show is available, I just don't know where to look. Any ideas? My little girl loves the show.
It's actually a Spanish production which has been translated and I absolutely love it!!!!! My 2 years does too. It's adorable, we watch it in both Spanish and English. Sadly, around my way there are no toys available. I wanted to do a Pocoyo themed party for his second year but everything had to be bought overseas and they were very expensive to ship. Then there were the knock-offs that looked horrible. I don't know where you live but there are some toy and department stores in Latin America (except PR) that sell them.
Thank you very much for the kind info madam. Yes, my two year loves it very, very much. She actually knows all the characters by name. I was hoping to give her a gift this christmas and I was looking around to check where is the best place to buy it. Even here, I can't seem to find toys from that show. Going to keep trying though. Much thanks!