Planning meals based on promotions can be a really good way to save some money. I receive on my e-mail the promotions of the two largest supermarket chains in my country and according to their promotions I can plan my meals with the same quality, just at a cheaper price. Are you doing the same?
I do plan meals, but not based on promotions. I'm actually undergoing a healthy living program, and a certain meal plan was given to me based on my body mass index. Meaning, I have a certain amount of calories to take in daily. This certain meal plan gets me to my ideal weight and it gives me more energy throughout the day.
The only time when I plan my meals is when I'm ordering. I often visit places where we order ala carte. I have a budget so I'll plan on ordering the cheapest and the largest in quantity to stay within budget. Promotions aren't a thing here so it's not viable for me to wait for promotions.
OK, that's funny, planning the meals a la carte sound something really fancy! I't sort of hard to enter in the mechanic, but once we do it, it becomes something natural, if we have to go shopping why not buy the cheapest stuff?
I do the same thing, when I'm doing a shopping list I'll write the essentials and then "whatever is on sale". I'm lucky that supermarkets around me rotate the deals on both the frozen foods and also the meat at the butcher, so some weeks I'll end up buying pork, other weeks beef or chicken, whatever they have a deal on that week. Since I do my shopping once a week, this is super convenient since I'll just buy all the meals for the week at a discount.
I really need to and I think I will start again with this weeks shopping trip. We each to much processed foods. Frankly, I hate cooking, I hate the mess it makes and my kitchen is really small. But I really need it to be simple and easy but healthy and things my kids will at least try without having a fit. My cooking skills are lacking tremdously and I do want to become a better cook, I just wish it wasn't so complicated. Does anyone know of any great Iphone apps that would help me plan meals, maker grocery shopping easier by adding my ingredients to a shopping list? I could really use some help.
I am the same; I plan but not always because of promotions. I eat a lot of fresh, organic produce. These items are not only more expensive, but they tend to go on sale less often. I also support local farmers, so that pretty well is my promotion. I am cutting out the middle man (the grocery store), and going directly to the source. Therefore, it cuts the cost of the food itself.
Not based on promotions but I do plan them. Say I go shopping and find some nice discounted ribs. I buy a few, stick them in the fridge and cook them in the next days. So you could say I was influenced by promotions but not directly. Going to the supermarket often can help you save some good money since you stumble over all kinds of discounted food items. If you like that food you can buy it, store it in the fridge for later use, then cook. I do this often and I find that my fridge is always full of great food which in turn brings diversity on my table.
I usually can't time my meals with the promotions of major chains. It's hard to keep up with what is going on sale when and I can't always go out to the store anymore. I suppose if I heard of a really great deal, I would try to come up with a dish around it, but normally I just make a list of what I need and go.
It's not that hard really Aurora, just picture this, you get the promotions in the e-mail for next week, you note them down to your shopping list and the next time you go shopping you buy the promotions and save money, clean and sweet.