I have a Pit Bull and my opinions about the breed may be a bit strong and biased. Ye've been warned. Discriminating against a breed and banning them was probably the stupidest decision in the history of politics Ontario, Canada has ever made. Canadian Government has all these civilized awesome laws about Free health care, probably is the most diverse country in all of the world, yet discriminates against a breed of a dog. Pit Bulls may have been trained to fight other dogs, but if their upbringing involves responsible socializing with other dogs, there is no way that they can be a danger to the community. It's like being racist towards black people, that can't speak for themselves other than a bark and a whimper. To euthanize a man's best friend can have extremely negative effect on families of those who would have to deal with something like this. there is a case of a suicide after a Pitt was taken away from the owner. The suicide note to a dog said, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, See you in heaven. The reason Pitts were the perfect fighting dog is because when separated from the opponent, it would not be in rage at the human. Pitts are trained to fight, they aren't born vicious. There are cases of Pitts attacking a human, and I can guarantee with my heart that those Pitts were trained to attack humans by some sick minded irresponsible dog owners who do not value their dogs, or their time. If I meet a person like that, I would delightfully punch a hole through their teeth. The Pit Bull ban was put in place due to media's overreaction. Unless there is legitimate proof that those dogs that caused injuries did not have an abusive past, the ban is stupid, and the argument of the ban is INVALID. Educate the people, Ban irresponsible owners but DO NOT ban the breed!
I agree with you. It seems absurd to condemn a breed of dog, just for its aggressive history. Vets always say the animal's aggressiveness is imposed by the owner and the environment in which they grow. It´s important to raise awareness about the importance of a good education. It´s also necessary to eliminate myths that help feed the poor image of a simple dog. I like your comment, it's very enlightening and true to life. Animals are never held accountable for their misconduct.
Exactly. It is the biggest nature vs nurture debate of this time and I am glad that the ban in Ontario is super close to being lifted. I believe the Hershey's bill should get a lot more awareness. If you are interested in reading an underrated Pit Bull story you should learn about Hershey. She was a rescued dog who became a Certified Ambulance Therapy Dog. As soon as the ban took place, almost all her certifications didn't exist anymore and people began being scared of a dog that used to provide comfort to elderly patients. It sucks that people choose to see the negative in Pitts rather than the positive. What happened to listening to experts? Cesar Millan, the famous dog whisperer certainly had trained a number of Pit Bulls? Did those who put the law in place even come close to one?
My sister has 3 pit bulls and they are so sweet. I love those dogs, but I know that they are not for everyone. They need a lot of time and love. My sister has spent hours training her dogs and they just have great personalities. They are friends!
We had a pit bull many years ago and we raised four kids with her. She was a sweet dog and never would have harmed anyone. I have seen other pits that were extremely agreesive because of how they were raised. I can understand why people are afraid of them but the breed is not to blame. Here's a little triva for those who didn't know: Petey, the famous dog from "The Little Rascals" was a pit bull.
Friend, most definitely. I hate how pit bulls have a bad reputation, they don't deserve it. It's bad owners to blame, and the media for misleading the public. Notice how the media only reports a dog bite when it's a pit bull, there's thousands of dog bites every year and pit bull bites are usually the only ones that make the news. And then half the time it wasn't even a pit bull, lots of people don't even know what pit bulls look like and they think any bully breed or muscled dog is a pit bull. Labs are actually the #1 in the nation for dog bites but they have a great reputation. I can't even believe that BSL exists. BSL bans many breeds for no reason really, it doesn't make sense logically. I'm glad that Florida is sensible, cities and counties in Florida don't have the authority to ban animals, only the state law and the federal law does. Except that Miami got grandfathered in so they are allowed to ban pit bulls. Blame the owner, not the breed. Blaming an entire breed is like blaming an entire race of people for something that only a minority do. Cesar Millan says it best: "In the '70s they blamed Dobermans, in the '80s they blamed German shepherds, in the '90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the pit bull."
I absolutely agree. Here in Florida it is illegal to have them. Should you be caught with one (or more) they will be taken and you will be fined $500 for each pit bull in your posession. These dogs just like every other pure breed were trained to do something specific. Greyhounds race, Poodles do intricate tricks, German Shepards sniff out specifics as do Blood Hounds, St. Bernards are saviors and Pit Bulls are guardians and fighters. If you can ban one breed then why not another? If the animal is trained to do something specific it is in their blood. Pits we never trained to attack people but to protect their owner and in recent cases to fight other dogs but never their own family. Every dog is different. I had a Pure Bred Schnauzer, dumbest dog I've ever met in my life and he should have been smart. Sweetest thing though! Whose to say that every pit bull will be agressive? It all depends on how the owner trains the animal. The ones who should be arrested are the people who train them to be agressive. Who wouldn't get agressive when youre kept in a cage, poke and proded and introduced to other animals who only know agression as a way of life? Even a human would bite someones face off under those conditions! I saw save the dogs, put them in a more humble environment to learn that humans can be loving in deed and throw those fu**ers in jail for abusing the animals!!
I agreed it is the training the dog has received that makes the dog dangerous. The Pit Bull is not the only dog that will attack to defend it's master. Training any animal to fight for a persons entertainment is sick to me. We had a German Shepard that jumped a 6ft fence to protect my daughter when he heard her scream when she was struck by a boy. The dog loved my daughter and understood she needed to be protected. We did get a fine, because the dog bit the boy.
Exactly I know many people who have more than one Pit Bull, and those Pit Bulls are definitely the most well socialized dogs ever. I only have one (for now) but when I get another one, he will be socialized as well as my first one. Chaos loves other dogs, and play fights within his means.
Also The Buster Brown Shoe Dog was a Pit Bull as well. For decades a Pit Bull was known as The America's dog. It's nature is to protect and love humans, they can be a bit harsher with other animals. My Pitt and my neighbor's Rottweiler are the perfect match for each other and they are well behaved even when they play fight
Well said! By the way if you guys are interested in saving a lot of Pit Bull's lives make sure you sign the petitions that are available. It is a good way to get involved for the cause. And if you ever meet those people that fight dogs for entertainment don't feel bad for punching them. A 300 dollar fine is well worth it
And let's call Breed Bans what they really are: Death Sentences. i respect this cop that got a call on this "Vicious Pit Bull", took him away and decided to adopt the dog as soon as he realized that it was the friendliest guy ever. He actually kept contact with the family who got it confiscated, and he assured them that he will watch after the dog until the Ban gets lifted. Then he promised he will give the dog back. The family has two other dogs and I see them every day at the dog park. All their dogs are so well behaved.
May I know what happened? I'm not familiar with the story as to how the banning of Pitts came to life but I'm really interested since I'm a dog owner and dog lover as well. I believe that dogs are man's best friend and if we just treat them with love and care then they would be raised as loving dogs. There is no such thing as bad dogs but rather bad owners.
Long story short, the media exaggerated the severity of Pit Bull attacks, and were only focusing on dogs that were trained to fight other dogs rather than the dogs that were loved by their families, and were very obedient. So now people only focus on the negatives about a Pit Bull and are scared of the dog breed rather than the owners that should be put down instead of the dog.
Any animal will become what it is taught and trained to be. Many dogs have been unfairly labeled and put to death due to breed specific legislation. Its the owners who breed dogs to fight and to be aggressive who should be penalized not the dogs!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Pit Bull or with any other breed, for that matter. What's wrong are the laws that label Pit Bulls as dangerous. I particularly remember the case of Lennox which was put down just because it roughly looked like a breed on the prohibited list. There is an ongoing campaign to have the Breed Specific Legislation aka BSL repealed so that innocent dogs like Lennox will not be murdered. You can follow the latest developments here:Log In
Pit Bulls get a bad rap. And there are some aggressive pit bulls out there, but there are also some aggressive golden retrievers out there. That's just my 2 cents.
I am an animal lover. I can't stand for animals to suffer in any way. I have a dog that is part pit bull & jack russell. She is not aggressive at all. I think pit bulls are getting a real bad rap. They have killed a lot of people, but it has more to do with the treatment from the owner. I just wish people treated animals better.
I used to feel that pit bulls got a bad rap. That is until I saw my sister's pit bull got into it with her friend's pit bull. My sister got in the middle of it to stop the fight and prevent injuries to both animals, and she ended up being bitten and badly by her own pit bull! She had to go to hospital for stitches and to this day claims it was not the dog's fault. I do not think she should have put herself between the two dogs in the first place, and I can also see her point where this was not the dog's fault. Nevertheless, it made me wary of her dog and other pit bulls in general after seeing that vicious fight. I think when you have witnessed what these dogs are capable of, you may think twice yourself. I love animals so I say this from pure observation of an incident that could have been far worse than a bite on the hand. It scared the daylights out of me.
I agree We had one as the law was being passed. He passed away since then. But I would put my money on it that the owners of the pits that attacked people had something to do with drugs in one way or another and got the dogs as protection. People like that ruined it for everyone else. Since having my 110lb pitbull We downsized to a carrin terrior Lol. What a difference