I know that everyone has something that really rubs them the wrong way. For me it is lying. What is your biggest pet peeve? What do you do when someone is doing something that really bugs you? Do you think that it is okay to let people know when they are doing something that is really bothering you? Or do you just stay quiet? I personally will tell someone if they are doing something that is bothering me, the reason being; If I don't tell them, who are they supposed to learn? Have you ever been told that something you are doing, is really bothering someone else? What did you or would you do about it? I have been told that I have a very abrasive personality, I tried very hard to be a little nicer when around that person, but I felt like I wasn't being myself and since no one else has told me that, I just assumed that it was because the person just didn't like me. I think that while it is important to be ourselves, it is also important to be nice to people and to try to make them comfortable around you. Hopefully I am not the only one that thinks that way. So what about you? What do you think?
My pet peeve right now seems a bit petty. I don't like the current trend of those short shorts with the pockets showing at the bottom. It looks so tacky. I just want to tell that person I see on the street that it doesn't look good. In terms of attitudes, I am not confrontational with people I don't know very well, so I am very subtle about it or I ask someone else close to that person to tell them. It is different with my family or direct reports though. I tell them to their face because I really want them to be aware of what they are doing and I want them to improve. I don't like it when someone is always complaining but doesn't do anything to make the situation better. For example, I had a subordinate who, during a meeting with a boss, would rant about something in the office. I asked her if she had brought it to someone's attention before and she said no. I don't read minds, I told her. She should have told me or someone about it.
One of my biggest pet peeves is the overuse of the word like by the younger generation. It really drives me nuts.
I could be here all day listing mine!! LOL 1. Bad manners - seriously this is a big one of mine - it takes 5 seconds for a person to say please/thank you, yet plenty of people don't! Holding doors open and giving your seat to an older person also seems to be a thing of the past. I drill good manners into my children because I believe it really makes a difference to how others percieve you. 2. Text talk - Arrrrrgggh! When I receive a text from my 12 year old I need a special dictionary to read it! I mean some words are shortened by 1 letter, what is the point! People who use text talk when talking - OH M GEE - is also supppper annoying to me! 3. Slack trousers - I don't really want to see a variety of underwear when I am on my way to the shops thanks, so please pull your trousers up! A little on show maybe, but some people literally have their trousers hanging under their bum!! Women who show off 90% of their thong are also annoying! I think I will stop now before I completely go into pet peeve overdrive! lol
Two big ones for me that just drives me insane on the inside include ignorant parenting and hypocrisy. I know that parenthood isn't the easiest thing out there, but some people should really take a big lesson in that before they have a kid. It's when you have your kid screaming and you busy with one thing or another and not tending to the little thing that will irritate the heck out of everyone around you. When you let your kid run around unattended is another part of this that bugs me because of his or her own safety. They could easily get hurt by someone who isn't looking when they accidentally bump into the child or even worse, someone could easily kidnap the little thing when they're out and about! As for hypocrisy, it just bugs me. Teaching a child how to behave when they grow is very important (and yes this sort of goes with the parenting one, but this can apply to more thing than just that), but when you doing something you're telling a child to not do, it confuses them and the moral you're trying to point out flies right over their heads. Make an example and don't do such a thing.
My pet peeve is, when someone just talks all the time about nothing and never shuts up, no matter how many times that person has said the same thing over and over again. And they seem to tell the same story while you are watching something that you enjoy on TV. So I just say, don't come to my house while this is on because I can not enjoy watching it with your mouth open the entire time. I know that person has to be a big lier or they wouldn't be runing off at the mouth all the time. Do there mouth ever get tired of running? They talk so much until your ears get tired of listening to them, so I do believe they are lying about whatever they say, unless you see it with your own eyes.
I hate it when I'm in conversation and the person I'm talking to is wondering what they're going to say next, rather than listening to what I'm saying now. It's a giveaway, because they don't make eye contact, and when they start to reply, it's obvious they haven't listened to a word I said. A conversation is a two way thing, but several of my friends just don't seem to realise that. I'm not saying that what I have to say is any better than their offerings - I just wish they'd pay me the courtesy of listening while I'm speaking.
It seems that I have pretty much similar pet peeves to those on this thread...really made me smile...and think, "I'm not alone", haha. If I had to name one thing that really gets to me each and every time is people with a lack of consideration. Just basic consideration. No, I do not confront...but I do limit time with people like that.
It really gets me when you are driving the speed limit and someone runs up behind and sits on your tail like it is so important for them to get by. They go around me and we are still at the same light, what's the hurry.
My biggest pet peeve is liars. People do not realize, that I have the memory of an elephant. So, if you say something, and then contradict yourself later, I WILL catch it. I may not say anything, but I'll catch it. Then, I won't trust you.
I have many of the pet peeves that you all do. Another one is rude drivers and rude pedestrians. If you see me waiting for you walk across the cross walk so that I can make a right turn, don't talk your sweet time. Teenagers are the worst with this; I swear, they walk even slower to tick you off. Oh, and how about when you're waiting right behind someone in the left turn lane, and when the light turns green, they don't move up an inch until it turns yellow. They wait until it starts to turn yellow and then slowing turn left, giving you absolutely no chance to turn yourself. Talk about frustrating!
All of those thing are frustrating to me also but a big liar is the worst one. That means that you can not trust that person at all. Any one that talk a lot is nothing but a big liar and just as you said they contradict themselves and while you are listening to them they will tell a conflicting story and you know they are telling a lie but the continue on like you are interested i hearing it. That's why a person shouldn't try to tell the same lie twice. If they would tell the truth the first time then they wouldn't have to try to straighten up the lie when they tell it again.
Bigots, people who smoke. Particularly women who smoke and curse a lot. There's nothing less attractive than a woman who swears like a sailor and chain smokes. Bigoted people are a pet peeve because they infected you with negativity and that makes you depressed. I also don't like addicts because they're always relying on you for all the wrong reasons.
My biggest pet peeve currently is one that I know many people will have an issue with. I am on a paranormal team. We hunt for ghosts obviously. Recently, without fail, anytime I talk about my hobby, I am confronted by some holier-than-thou jerk who says "So you worship the Devil?". No, I do not worship the Devil, what would even give that impression? From there, I am usually told how I am not a Christian because good christians know that all ghosts are really the Devil in disguise. Really? Last time I checked, all Christians pray to the Father, The Son, and.... THE HOLY GHOST! This really irks me because before and after EVERY investigation, our team does a prayer to protect ourselves. We ask that all "entities" that we come in contact with be God-like. I don't ask anyone to believe in what I believe in, but please don't bash the things I am interested in especially when you are obviously ignorant.
I have a lot of pet peeves but there are 2 that really get to me - rudeness and lying. I about burst when someone is really rude to me and I do let them know just how rude they are! Lying is another thing that really makes me mad, especially when the lies come from someone in my own family.
My pet peeves are racists, homophobic people, sexists, xenophobic people who make ignorant comments about other nationalities, controlling bossy people and people who take pleasure in the misery of others.
My pet peeves would be people who are liars, thieves and misers, because I keep attracting those kinds of people in my life and I end up getting betrayed by them. Also immature people who piss you off by doing things that they know annoys you, just to make you irritated. They get on my nerves.
I have many pet peeves, and only remember some of them which is odd. One of my huge pet peeves are when people are loud. Whether it's in public, or somewhere quiet, I despise loud noises. They can either startle me, or annoy me to death. Kids are usually the source of loud noises, and this is a result of parents not being able to control their kids. Some people travel in groups, and when people are usually with their friends, they are very loud in public. Another pet peeve is when it's hot! While this cannot be controlled, it is one of the biggest reasons why I dislike Summer. As a result of the heat, I can't focus or pay attention to what I'm doing most of the time. When it's too hot, I turn on the AC and waste electricity. AC is one of the major reasons why the monthly bill spikes up.
I have many pet peeves so I will mention one that is in my head right now. I hate it when people feel the need to put down, insult and ridicule people for doing things that they couldn't do in a million years or can't do anymore because they have become too fat or too old. I'm 35 years of age and I'm still able to play football (soccer) at a semi professional level and because of this my friend and family have started mocking me for still playing football at my age. I also make money writing articles and running blogs and they ridicule me for making money at home because they have to go out and do "proper jobs" for 40 hours a week. Don't hate, appreciate.