Has anyone ever worked with Payza? Do it have any advantages when compared to Paypal or is it just another Paypal alternative for people who can't use it?
I have used it when I invested in HYIP's before. They were formerly known as Alertpa,y but changed their name to Payza. They are like Paypal, but they're very slow to settle disputes. By the time they get back to you the scammer has already withdrawn the money to his account, so you get nothing. Only use it when you want to invest in HYIP's since Paypal doesn't support it.
I've heard complaints from people who've used payza and lost up to $400. There are also a number of people who say Payza is great because as Sidney says even if you were to dispute a transaction, they'd have withdrawn your money anyway. Most of those people who say Payza is great are blackhat marketers. They sell questionable products so will they always want to use scammy payment processors. My advice would be stay away from Payza.
I've used Payza for HYIP transactions as well and had no complaints in that regard. I've never had to dispute with anyone I transacted with so far, fortunately, but it think if you are just going to use it to pay for things online that don't allow Paypal such as HYIP programs and similar services then I'd say it is good enough.
I stopped using my Payza account weeks after it changed its name from AlertPay to Payza. Before, I've using it to pay for membership fees in some online earning programs. I have not check my Payza account in over a year, I hope it will not become a dormant account case like it does in regular banks. I think I still have a few dollars in it.
Payza is pretty lackluster in my opinion. I've used it in limited situations, and I really don't have anything good to say about it. It's a PayPal alternative that suffers from poor customer service, slow responses, and a number of other issues that nobody wants to deal with. You're better of just using PayPal.
Alertpay!? Wasn't there some big trouble with that years ago? The fact they changed their name is shady enough hehe. Someone on this thread mentioned missing payments but I remember something more nefarious than that. Paypal is already pretty lackluster in terms of customer service so I can only imagine how something like this would work. I have heard better things with Dwolla as a payment processor.
Redgunner, yes, they had a lot of trouble! And they've had a lot of trouble since, too! So yeah, I've used it before, but I only do so when it's the only available option instead of PayPal. I would never intentionally swap over to Payza otherwise.
I have worked with Payza some time ago, and I generally have nothing to complain about them. They're great if they're the only available ones. However, I tend to prefer Paypal over them.