Do you do any part-time jobs in addition to your full-time one? I have a coworker who after leaving our full-time job for the day, still heads to her part-time one. Both her and her husband do this, while I feel the extra money must be nice, I don't think I could cope with having so little free time, do you think it's worth it?
It all depends on what you are trying to achieve, or how many bills you have to pay. I worked all of last year in three jobs to be able to go on that journey around the world that I have always dreamt about. It took a lot of discipline, and definitely wasn't easy, but I solely focused on my goal of acquiring the cash to be able to fulfil my long held ambition. The rewards have been enormous for me. They have completely changed my life.
Some people are born to work and can find nothing better to do with their free time. Instead of sleeping they choose to accrue more numbers in their bank accounts. As long as they are able to enjoy the money they worked darn hard for then I don't see the problem with it. If this couple has one or more kids then I can definitely understand their predicament. The cost of living has gone up so much in many American cities and town and some people have to take on multiple jobs in order to make ends meet.
I have a couple of part time jobs and I sell on ebay and I do little things online to earn money. I have no choice. I'm a single parent and have to support a kid on my income alone, so I'd rather have food and electricity than loads of free time. If you guys have a choice to not work multiple jobs to live ,that's nice. I don't "live to work" ,I work a lot so that we can live.
I don't have a full time job. I work as a freelance graphic designer and photographer, but because work can sometimes be very slow I'm also working as an assistant at Fancy Hands. I've know people that have 2 full time jobs or a full time and a part time, but in every single case it's people who have minimum wage jobs and can't support their family on one job alone. I don't think someone who earned enough to live comfortably would take on a part time job for fun.
I work a full time job plus part time online. My husband just started his full time job. We are so behind at the moment that we do not have extra money for anything outside the basics. Once my husband starts bringing in regular checks everything will be ok. I plan on looking for a part time evening job to go with what I already do so that we can have a savings and do things we want.
It is all dependent on where your priorities are set. If my first job did not provide enough for a comfortable lifestyle - meaning that I have enough to ea and a place to sleep - then I would seriously consider a second job. Usually, people work their butts off for a nice and perfect home. There is nothing wrong with that, but there may be consequences in the future. I prefer to be free and unattached to anything, especially two jobs.
Yes I do. But my part time job is online so I can do it at home and not have to go some place else. If you really need some extra cash then it's a good thing to have a part time job. In my case, my full time job if you can call it that, requires only 10 hours of my time every week so its really not much of a job so having a part time job is key if I wanted to keep myself fed for the next month.
To be honest, my full-time job is composed of several part-time jobs. I work online as a freelancer so I don't keep a permanent job for long. I once worked for one online company for about three months. That's the longest time that I've stayed with a company.
It depends on your needs and goals. Perhaps they are saving up for a down payment on a house? I don't think I could do that long term, but if it was just a short term thing, like working a part time seasonal job to get over a financial hurtle I could do it. If I wanted to buy a house, certainly it would be worth it to me, the bigger down payment I could make, the better off I would be in the long run with the mortgage.
I do some Internet Marketing in my free time - guess you could call that a part-time job? It's something I enjoy, and I'm looking to expand it even further. Hopefully into a full-time job at some point! That'd be a dream come true for me.
In addition to my full time job I supplement my income working about 4-5 hours online. I don't have to but I like knowing I am doing everything possible to build my savings up. Sometimes I wish I had a little free time, but the nice thing with online work is that you can control your hours for the most part. I am considering trying to pick up some part time retail work for the holidays, evenings and weekends, but am not sure if that would be too much. I think for people who need the money or are trying to save being able to work a part time job in addition to full time is great.
Yes I do. My main job actually became my part time job when I got hired by another company. I used to do a lot of writing gigs and I'm a full time content provider on this one site for almost a year when I got hired. So I do one part time job online and a frequent this one site just to earn a few extra.
Yes, i love to draw paintings that's why i create glass paintings and sell on online product websites.
The way I have always seen it is that you should work as much as you need in order to pay your bills and have a bit of a good time alongside it, but don't do more than you have to. You need to remember that at some point, although it might be tempting to just make as much money as you possibly can, you really do need to take some time out for yourself and your family, and enjoy the years that you have in your life. If you spend more time working you may miss out on things that you won't have as many chances to do. But part time jobs can be great in that respect, because it gives you the chance to get that balance whilst earning a little bit of money at the same time.
I tried to get a part time job with a company answering phone calls for a company and I thought it would be ok because at first they told me it was part time and attractive salary but then later they switched and told me that they are actually low on personnel and need me to do it full time if I want to work there, basically manipulating me into doing it, thinking that I am desperately in need of money, which I sort of am anyway. So I felt drastically insulted and I told them that its not a normal way to conduct things and not many people will want to fall for this scam (not in those words but you know) and I quit. You should really pay attention to the kind of employer you devote your services to because it can turn out to be a sort of slippery slope scam even if not apparently so.
I teach piano lessons on the side during the week to help support my music career. I use a couple of online agencies to get students, which is terrific because they handle all the billing, plus new people I meet get the extra peace of mind knowing that I'm not a criminal or anything (the agencies provide background checks). I'm in a great place in my life where I'm still pretty young but my child is grown up! I have plenty of time to teach lessons now, and it's no longer so important that I'm home to make dinner every night. (Yes, we still have dinner together most of the time, however.) Also, I'm happy to be working, especially since I'm doing work that I love to do. You know what they say...
No, I don't have a part time job in addition to my full time job. The only extra work I do at this point is online work. But I have definitely been thinking of adding a part time job during this upcoming holiday season to make a bit of extra money. I'm going to need it in order to buy all the things I want for my family and others. There should be plenty of job opportunities out there at this point.