Papa John's: Order Pizza (for Delivery or Carry-Out) up to 21 Days-in-Advance!

Discussion in Food & Drink started by mythman • Jul 28, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    I'm getting a little groggy ... just ate a whole medium

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    (only cost me $6 + tax ... one of the perks of being a good customer :cool:)

    And yeah, ordered it ONLINE 21 days ago! Well actually, ordered it last night ... but you might discuss how ordering it early like that might make your life 'easier' somehow (or 'more-difficult' some other how).

    The main difference I see is in preparation time: rather than 'order it and then wait around at their counter' (no restaurant, only pickup & delivery, you can specify the time that you'll be there & they should have it ready to pick up at that time.

    Beside that, my question is this: how long do you expect coupon-codes to work? The coupon-code DID get me the six-dollar medium (usually 9-to-12 dollars), but the site wouldn't let me save that order as a "favorite." :(

    P.S. This is probably immature of me---thinking I'm 'introducing this to you for the first time,' when I can see from putting in keywords that I'm starting something you probably know about already.