Optimize Your Brain: Feel Your Way Up-or-Down the Stairs (Don't Look at Your Feet)

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Jun 22, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Why shouldn't you look at your feet on the stairs? Because it 'de-differentiates your feet's brain-maps' (turning-off your feet's senses in favor of your visual information-processor).

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    ) tells us that--as we age--we start more-&-more to look at our feet on the stairs (or -on otherwise uneven terrain). If we keep doing that (rather than rebuilding & maintaining the sensory map for the foot), our feet's sensory-map will deteriorate into nothing!

    (I'm sure people are used to rushing up-or-down the stairs, and 'taking your time to feel your way up-or-down' might sound like it would be too inconvenient; and maybe it WOULD be if your job or home-life carries an urgency, but--if YOU are in control of your stair-speed :cool:--training your feet's senses will make the rush-time much faster!)

    Any advice for putting this into practice? (This might be my new 'chew every bite 30 times'-tip!)
  2. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    That is interesting. I believe in using all bodily functions to the fullest and when it comes to something as simple as walking, you should do it effortlessly. This means not looking at your feet while you walk. instead, let your natural senses guide you. it seems weird to look at your feet while you walk. Or even to look at the ground. Keep your head up and just walk.