Log In Be sure to print these coupons to score some office supplies for only a penny after your Office Max Perks Rewards. Duracell AA/AAA Batteries, 10 pk, $9.99 Get $9.98 in MaxPerks Rewards, Limit 2 Net Price $.01 after Rewards Office Max Legal Pads, 12 pk, $9.49 Get $9.98 in MaxPerks Rewards, Limit 3 Net Price $.01 after Rewards Office Max 1″ Durable View Binders, $4.99 Get $4.98 in MaxPerks Rewards, Limit 3 Net Price $.01 after Rewards Avery Laser Mailing Labels, 3,000 pk, $26.99 Get $26.98 in MaxPerks Rewards, Limit 1 Net Price $.01 after Rewards I'm pretty sure these end tomorrow, so don't wait on this one.
Thank you for the link! I am always needing batteries and binders. Do you get the rewards right away, or is it something you have to send away for in the mail?
Thanks for the great links, I really need more office supplies but I must have the print of coupons in order to save more money for shopping. Log In
These stores do not seem to do this for profit, at least not directly. It seems to me that they do it for advertising, to get more customers into the store. It is a great trick if it works I suppose. I used to work in retailing and saw all sorts of tricks like these.
Artifacts, you're exactly right. They may even take a loss on these particular items. You'd expect them to break even, but that's not always the case. They're completely banking on people coming in and being more likely to buy other products while you're there.
Aww man. I saw this waay too late. I could actually use some batteries. It seems like we have a thunderstorm resulting in a blackout every other week.