Oddest Dishes Around The World

Discussion in Food & Drink started by DrRipley • Sep 17, 2014.

  1. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I've been looking up some weird foods from different cultures and was surprised to see some very odd and even a little bit disturbing ones, and I thought we could discuss some of them here.

    For example, I've found that in South Korea and Japan, some restaurants serve live squid, live fish, and live frogs served raw and still moving. The footage is a bit unsettling so I'm not going to post it here out of respect for this site, but if you are curious enough to see it, just search live frog dish, ikizumi, or live squid on YouTube, or you could check out the channel of the video I'm providing below or you could try clicking one of the related videos.

    I'm not very extreme when it comes to animal activism but even I kind of find it hard to stomach these practices since the fish and frogs are basically moving on the plate while their flesh is being eaten slowly by diners.

    Here is one that is relatively tame compared to the others which is live jumping shrimp in Thailand. I'd like to know your opinion on these practices, and also if there are any other exotic dishes that you know of and please tell us if you would like to try them out.

    #1Sep 17, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
  2. Denis Hard

    Denis HardWell-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
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    There's this Chinese delicacy:

    Live Monkey Brain.
    They open up the skulls and the diner helps himself to monkey brain from it. By the time he's done, the monkey also expires.

    Eating live animals is inhumane and barbaric. It's not like something will taste better when it's eaten alive.