According to one blogger [haven't this elsewhere on the net] someone can naturally restore their teeth "naturally." The blogger claims that anyone who has cavities need not get their teeth filled but should instead eat food high in calcium [the calcium will be used by the body to rebuild the teeth]. Egg shells s/he says are the best source of calcium. After you eat your boiled eggs, crush the organic shells, blend them in smoothies and consume them. Sounds like pseudo-science to me. Can't make this up: Log InJust curious though, are there natural ways to remineralize teeth/ reverse cavities?
No, I don't think that there are natural ways to remineralize teeth, once your enamel has been damaged or chipped off it won't grow back again. I also don't believe what that blogger has said. It doesn't sound like it's based on scientific facts.
OMG that's crazy LOL Nah uh, not for me. There's no way I'll be giving this one a try. But you just know that someone will try it and then cause themselves some mischief. That blogger is really looking for trouble with that sort of thing!
Healing is what our bodies do, so yes, you can heal teeth. You won't be healing a massive chunk of missing tooth or a full blown cavity, but tiny holes, beginnings of cavities etc all can heal with proper nutrition and generally keeping your body happy. You won't be doing it with products.. you just need to take care of yourself so your body is given the chance to do what it does best. Otherwise, no, there is nothing that can be done outside of a dentist's office for tooth decay.
I know that calcium is good for teeth, but I try to drink milk for this purpose rather than crushing up egg shells and putting them on my teeth. I'm not sure whether it would be effective or not, but I would have to make sure that the eggshells were very clean first, or there is no way that I would want to put them in my mouth!
I think there are ways to heal cavities naturally, but I have not heard of the egg shell method. My dentist doesn't charge a lot of money in the first place so I think I would rather try that. Also, the dental hygentist told me in order to increase fluoride in your mouth it is better to keep toothpaste in your mouth rather than rinsing it out. I don;t really think I am going to try that one either!
@Ke Gordon....My old dentist also told the same thing about not rinsing my mouth after brushing my teeth! I was beyond shocked because I think it's just gross, a bit like being told for extra soft skin, don't rinse off your shower gel LOL I always remember that, but I certainly don't do it. I think I'll avoid all these alternative ways of cleaning my teeth and also continue to rinse my mouth after brushing because so far it's worked for me. I mean, most days I also rinse with mouth wash, so that must count for something.
Calcium from eggshells! LOL! I believe that eating lots of greenery provides us with the needed organic calcium and whitens the teeth as well. Salads and green smoothies are the natural way to healthy teeth (and the whole body).