Music Equipment Sales On Black Friday

Discussion in Movies, Music & Games started by Punkin • Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Punkin


    Aug 27, 2017
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    This is less of a direct tip, and more of a reminder.

    With the recent death of Tom Petty, and the holiday season approaching, many people are getting that music jones. Maybe you have a child who is dying to try their hand at an instrument. In a little under two months the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales will be going live. I know everyone is aware of this, but we are also aware that those "sales" often aren't any cheaper than regular price.

    This is usually not so with musical equipment. This is the time of year organizations like Amazon and Musician's Friend price last year's hot ticket items to move. You can get deep discounts of 25%-even 50% off on some really nice equipment. You have enough time to save up for that keyboard or new amplifier you've been dreaming of.

    Keep your ear tot he ground; there will be good things coming soon!