No matter what category the app is in, would you make micro-transactions to speed up the progress in certain or all activities you do on your mobile apps? Admittedly, I get tempted to buy more health and/or power-ups if I get stuck on a level in a gaming app, but then I realize it's not worth the money. Does anyone else feel the same way or do you give into temptation?
Nah, I never bother. I seldom find myself so engrossed in the game, whatever it may be, to want to pay extra money for a boost. I'm patient enough to wait. Even games that I absolutely love - say, Hearthstone - don't typically receive my money, and I find Hearthstone to be more than worth a suffusion of cash if I want a pack of cards or whatnot. I will pay for games from the outset, yes, but once I have it? Whether I paid for it or it was free? Nope nope nope. Don't want to encourage the microtransaction culture that has crept into gaming.
I think for some games it might be worth it, if the developers have made the game system in a way that would be fair for both paying players and ones that just choose to play the game straightforward. I also take into consideration whether I like the company enough or not since I feel a lot more comfortable spending my money if I know it's going to a place where people actually care how their profits are being spent, by which I mean spending it on improving my game experience even further.
For certain games, I wouldn't hesitate to drop a few bucks (Hearthstone comes to mind). However, games that make you wait awhile to gather energy used to just play the game aren't worth the money. If I want to play, I can wait. Paying excessive amounts of money on what should be a free game is silly.
I agree with the rest. Most developers earn their profits from the microtransactions that people make simply to get ahead faster in the game or due to long waiting times for energy to recharge or for something to be built etc. Do not underestimate the $1.95 you are paying each time. Just do it 5 times and you have a decent meal to go, but instead have spent it on rushing a process in a game that is highly likely to be inconsequential to your life - besides saving some time waiting so you can waste it again playing that same game and potentially spending another $1.95 You will also often realise that with these games that require waiting, once you come to a certain level or play the game long enough, you become so powerful, the game becomes meaningless because no challenges are challenges anymore, and before you know it, you abandon the game as well as all the good money you've spent on it. Go figure!
I can understand how people can get caught up in a game and want to spend money to get extra lives so that they can level up. I do not spend money on in app purchases because that is what gets up sucked in and they make it too easy to spend money. Patience is a good thing to have with these types of games.
No, I don't play money to play games. If I get stuck on a certain level or something, I just move onto another game. I don't need to wasting all of my money, or my time gaming. I have lots of things I should be doing instead. I mean if I got something for free I would do it...but pay money...count me out!