These cheese puffs are similar to the Cheetos Puffs, but the Medallion Cheese Puffs only cost .98 for a 10 oz. bag. You get a lot of product for very little money. This bag is not half full and then packed full of air. This bag is filled from top to bottom with cheese puffs. In my opinion, these taste just as good as the Cheetos Puffs. In fact, I prefer the Medallion ones. They are cheesy, crunchy and fluffy. If you like salty snacks like I do, then I highly recommend this product. I buy mine at Walmart, and you can find this item in the aisle where you find the chips and soft drinks.
Thanks for the recommendation. I haven't heard of these potato chips, but I am willing to try them. I don't like when the bags of chips are basically air. I pretty much paid money for air. I love how they are under a dollar. The next time I am in WalMart I will definitely look out for these chips. When I actually have chips in the bag, I will think of you.
I've heard of them, and they're a good value, but I'm just not a fan of the flavor. I'd rather pay a couple bucks more for real Cheetos. I'll use a BOGO offer at the local supermarket to get a little more for the price. There are certain foods that I can't stand the bargain value brand for, but it makes tons of sense money-wise to buy them instead.