I'd choose KFC, since I think McDonald's is a little easier to get sick of. The only thing that I would have trouble sacrificing is the McDonald's french fries which I love so much. But still, KFC holds more choices on their menu and they always come up with new items so I'd pick them.
I would prefer McDonalds, but KFC is really close behind. The only reason why I like McDonalds more is because of their fries. If they take or change their fries, I wouldn't visit McDonalds again. KFC makes great chicken, and their fries are okay.
It really depends what I am going to order. If its burgers and fries then I'd go for a Big Mac Meal, I dont know but McDonalds burgers and fries taste better for me. If its fried chicken, then definitely I'd dine in with the Colonel at KFC.
Mcdonalds all the way. I used to work there and so I am a fan. They have a whole lot more variety and it takes a long while to get bored of them. Also the ice cream from Mcdonals is probably the best in the world.
McDonalds is the definite answer. They have better fries and better burgers. The ice cream is about the same, unless you order the McFlurry which is the best overall. The KFC chicken is too greasy, while some of the McDonalds chicken burgers are pretty good.
I like both McDonald's and KFC. But, KFC has this incredible sandwich called the Double Down. It's chicken fillets, bacon, cheese and sauce....no bread! So, it has all the things I like, and is minus what I don't like. Yay! It has to be one of the yummiest sandwiches anywhere. Just look at this picture:Log In Hahah! I'm craving one right now, just thinking about it.
I would rather have KFC than McDonalds for sure! I try not to go to any of these but if I had to choose it would be KFC. I have to admit I go to McDonalds more because it's a lot cheaper, but if price didn't matter than I would KFC! I love their chicken!!!
I think they are both terrible and serve horrendous quality food. I would choose McDonald's over KFC though, but I honestly don't trust either. McDonalds doesn't even go mouldy, that's saying a lot about the food.
I don't even consider KFC as a fast food option because they don,t have a dollar menu. If you walk into KFC with $2, you're not coming out of there with food. At least Taco Bell and McDonald's have several options for someone who only has $2.50 in their pocket. No KFC for me. I consider them more of a tacky restaurant with $12 meals than a fast food place.
Neither one is a win for me. I don't do fast food often, but when I do get a fast food burger it almost always comes from Burger King. And for chicken I prefer Bojangles. I did grow up eating KFC though. My mother loved it and the two of us often ate there when my dad was out of town. So even though I don't care for it today I suppose you could say it holds some good memories.
I love both KFC and McDonalds. I enjoy eating french fries and cheese burgers at McDonalds, but I prefer KFC's chicken and pasta recipes.
I would have to say that KFC is probably the healthier choice, but McDonald's is definitely the cheapest and the fastest. It's all about what you are willing to spend on and your appetite.
I don't like either fast food chain to be honest with you guys. I mean, I much more prefer a home-cooked meal these days, of the healthy variety. But there are times when I am really hungry, we are out and about, and we pull up close to either a Mcdonald's chain or a KFC chain, and I can be persuaded to eat their food then. Years ago, I would have said that McDonald's was better than KFC, but they both have meals that are really easy on the taste buds, as well as meals that are really harsh on the taste buds.
My other beef with KFC is that their customer service is abysmal - I would say 95% of the time I try to go through the drive thru there, I end up waiting like 15-20 minutes or more because they are so slow. Even when the're not even busy they still manage to get totally backed up with orders. Not that McDonald's is a whole lot better, but they are marginally better in my experience. The other issue is that most of KFC's menu is deep fried - and when they don't change the oil regularly, the food tastes horrible. I've worked in restaurants long enough to know how lousy fried food cooked in rancid overused cooking oil comes out. It makes the food look dark brown and burnt even before it's done cooking, and it has a bizarre burnt stale taste to it.
One of my main beefs with Kentucky is their fries. They have some of the worst fries - if not the very worst - in the fast food industry. In fact, I think only Chinese takeout fries are worse than Kentucky's, and that is saying something. Both fries are dry, tasteless, and always overcooked. I heard somewhere that McDonald's fries are bacon flavored, which I could believe. They are always tasty and have a bit of salt to them.