This is a drink classical of my country. It is present in all households and consumed at any time of day. It is ideal for breakfast or timing of the afternoon. It is also an excuse to keep a nice conversation with friends. The popularity of mate among the younger was increased over recent decades. You ever tried this drink? What the shops of your city sell yerba mate? In case of than ever you've tried the mate.Would you like to know this infusion?
I love yerba mate. It's like a Hispanic version of green tea. I don't drink it out of a gourd, just a regular coffee cup. My favorite thing about yerba mate is that it gives me energy almost like drinking coffee. The first time I tried yerba mate, I drank too much at night and I couldn't fall asleep so now I drink it when I'm planning to stay up. The most common brand of yerba mate they sell in Florida where I am is Cruz de Malta. It's a bargain because you can get a big bag of tea for $2-$3.
If its somewhat like a tea then it must be a cure of something.. I'm from Asia and I have no idea what its like, so hows the taste?
Yerba mate tastes kind of grassy like plain green tea. It has something in it called mateine that's like caffeine and gives you energy. There are some canned energy drinks that have yerba mate extract in them.
I tried yerba mate because I had been reading about it as a health food drink. And while I will admit that I drink unsweetened iced tea (and most people think I'm strange), I found that the yerba mate was a really really acquired taste. In fact, after spending 3$ for a small bottle, I didn't even finish it. I found the drink pretty gross and I haven't tried it since. But that's just me. Some people swear by the taste and the energy boost.