Margarine used to be way more popular than it is now, I think. I don't know what happened, but suddenly it's almost as if it never existed. We still have our local margarine brand in our stores, to the best of my knowledge, but I don't think many people buy them anymore. Anyway, time for the ultimate battle, which side will you choose? Butter or margarine?
I'm one of those rare people who just simply doesn't care. I only ever use either of them on sandwiches, and the taste is pretty much negligible in both cases. It's a very minor thing thats just there on the side, my choice of other ingredients, especially the bread, is much more important.
Margarine was marketed as the best butter replacement because it's low calories, non-saturated fat because does not contain dairy products, what was a plus for people who has lactose intolerance. However since a couple of years, more or less, researchers found that margarine is not that good because it is made of hydrogenated oil and there are health concerns about this fact that makes it fall in the trans fats group. So that it is now more "healthier" use butter -- as usual before -- than margarine. Here is an article about trans fats concerns,Log In Personally I still use margarine most of the time, unless the taste of real butter is absolutely necessary for a recipe or food to palate.
I prefer butter. I don't like how margarine tastes, but that's probably because I just love how butter tastes.
Butter is better than margarine in a lot of recipes. However, I prefer olive oil when it can be supplemented for both of those things. I prefer it in a lot of savory dishes. It's hard to get it to work the functions in pastries.
Though I still use butter, we've really enjoyed using a product called Melt, an organic buttery spread that's a blend of several 'good' oils, like coconut and flaxseed oil. It's quite good, and I'm pleasantly surprised.
I would prefer butter, since margarine tastes a bit bland and way too oily for me. But I also rarely eat margarine or butter nowadays, since jams and other spreads like peanut butter or mayonnaise with cheese taste much better than margarine/butter.
Milk and milk-related products don't appeal much to me so butter being a milk product means that if I have to use either margarine or butter, I'd go for margarine any time owing to my taste.
I only use butter in small amounts in my cooking, so I stick with it. Most of the time if I am using it, its in conjunction with olive oil. Now they are saying even lard is better for you than some of the other fats on the market. Not to get off subject, but when did coconut oil suddenly become the "it" thing too? I used to recall that being in all sorts of junk food as a kid. It was even on the roasted peanuts I would get from the vending machines. Now it gets re-branded as health food, and they can charge like $6+ for a freaking can of coconut oil cooking spray, which probably has only about an ounce of actual coconut oil in the canister.
I'm a butter person... if I have to use margarine I prefer not to eat the bread, and it's as simple as that! I don't have butter/breads very often at all, so I don't feel like that is going to be bad for me when I rarely eat it. Also, as I rarely eat it, when I do I need the good stuff! So butter for me.
Not surprisingly, as time goes on, we learn lol. Every other year, we debunk and give new life and falsify and prove the same things over and over again lol. Coconut oil, as it stands now, is a healthy fat (among many other good things). (good) Fats are exceptionally healthy.. sugars are not. Butter is fine.. margarine is not.