I am currently writing a book and if it gains enough popularity, I plan on producing figurines. I just want to know if there is any online company that will assist me in making proper figures at an inexpensive price.
I'm sorry, I'm a bit slow. I don't get the question at all. Are you looking for a cheap figurine supplier or an online school/classes for making cheap figurines or an inexpensive online school/classes for making figurines? You can learn the craft for free just by watching youtube tutorials. Before you can make figurines, you've got to make a silicone mold for the figurine using an existing figurine/sculpture. The mold can be used to produce a lot of figurines and the cost to make a mold should be taken into consideration when pricing your figurines. Of course, the more figurines you can make from the mold, the lower the cost of the figurines per piece. That is why if you're going to outsource it, you'll be paying less for bulk purchases.You may also want to outsource the mold making and just be involved with the actual production.
Sorry, I should of been a bit more clear. I was looking for an online supplier that could help make the toys for me. But thank you for your tips.
I don't know any online supplier for making toys, but have you thought of crowdfunding such as KickStarter? I have seen many good projects there, and they are collecting funds successfully. If your book is interesting to attract supporters, perhaps KickStarter is a good alternative to produce the toys you want.
I don't think there are toys suppliers, but you can make the toys on yourself. All you must do is to buy the items and materials you need and you may create great and cheap toys for kids. There are a lot of toys that can be created with low materials and elements.
If you want to make the figures yourself, there are some great videos on Youtube that will show you how to make them. You can also have a look at Etsy marketplace for some great ideas. You mentioned you are writing a book. Is this figurine connected to the book in some way? If it is, then you may need to look for customized toy producer to create a mold for you.