I've always been a great fan of sauerkraut. Since fermented foods are high in natural probiotics, I prefer to prepare sauerkraut or gherkins at home. It's quite easy. There are plenty of recipes on the internet that you can try out. You'll never have to buy probiotics pills again. I also like to make my own yogurt. You can use a special seed mix for the fermentation process that you add to any kind of milk that you like. My preference is coconut or sheep's milk. Have you ever had a go at making your own probiotics?
Yoghurt is the best probiotic you can make at home. It's cheap and inexpensive. Every night, you can mix a couple of tablespoonfuls of yoghurt in boiled, cooled milk to make next batch of yoghurt the following day. It's actually culturing the milk to prepare yoghurt. This is not only cheap but is extremely healthy too and saves you lot of money on your trip to a grocery shop. Log In
I have wanted to make sauerkraut but have not yet. It is a simple process, so I do not know what is keeping me from doing it. Hearing from you about how healthy it is, is inspiring to me, and I do have some cabbage in the fridge.
Cabbage also has been known to be a good source of vitamin-K which has been shown to have a role in the cure of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage inside their brain. Wash cabbage well with running water to remove chemicals which may have been sprayed on the plant to control the bugs that may have been on the plant.
I never liked sauerkraut but I recently had some and loved it! I like yoghurt and this is something I try to have at least once a day. I do know that you can buy the probiotics as it is in a little bottle but I did not really find that nice to drink and prefer yoghurt