This is a way to make a some extra money, maybe not for everyone but it is still money. When you are at an event or you have a party collect the bottles and cans to be recycled at a recycling center for cash. The cans can be smashed to reduce the amount of space they take up. A good way to reduce trash and make some money for a gift or a night out.
Hmm I never really thought of that. It's a simple way of making money. Although it may be a little awkward to ask for the used bottles lol.
That's a good idea! What about if your state doesn't pay the 5 cents per bottle? Do you bring it to a recycling place or simply leave it outside. How much can you make?
That is a good idea if you get enough money for your cans and bottles. I think that they pay by the pound around here as opposed to paying for each and every item. This is great of you have garage space available and can save up the items until you have enough to make it worth going to the recycling plant.
Yo ucan always buy some used stuff or cheap items and sell them to your work's partners and relatives, it is not that hard to sell stuff to people you already know, it is also a good way.
It is a good idea to save the environment from degradation since most of these materials are non biodegradable. However, It is not an excellent method of making cash since most of these materials are cheap plastics. It should be done for the greater good. If one can research or generate ways of recycling them and then selling the products, this would make some decent cash.
We don't have a returnables policy in this state. I think some people do make money by collecting cans and so forth but i have no idea where they take them. I was thinking I might take some when I visit my parents though because New York State has a returns policy and I think you get paid at least 5 cents for bottles and cans returned and they are not far from the border.
I agree. We used to have the kids in our family collect cans up to a certain volume so they can exchange it for cash later on. We thought this might be a good way of teaching them something that would get them paid and one that is easy enough to manage and handle. I also do a lot of small tasks myself that give me some extra income because I'm a little tight on my budget right now so every little bit of extra income stream helps a lot.