I really have a problem with the post office delivery person to delivers mail to my complex. I have one of those group mailbox hubs at my home and the mail carrier is always putting people's mail in the wrong boxes. I was expecting 2 checks to come to me yesterday and found that I received a whole stack of someone else's mail, not my own. This means that someone else got my mail! I am calling the post office to complain today.
Sorry you are having an issue with your carrier, but you can have the post office hold your mail and pick it up from the post office yourself if you do not feel comfortable with your postal carrier delivering your mail.
I have to agree, the USPS really sucks these days. As much as I would hate to see our mail become privatized, these postal workers need to pull themselves together and stop acting like they can just blow off their jobs like that. There are far more stressful jobs than working in a post office, and everyone else manages to stay professional and keep it together - so should they. The last apartment I lived in was a high rise apartment, and they would *never* ring my bell when they had a package for me. I was working from home at the time, so I was there all day. They were so lazy, they wouldn't even leave it with the apartment office desk person, which they were *walking right past* on their way out the door. They would just stick a note in my box, lying, saying that they "tried" to deliver it but I was not there to pick it up, and that I would have to get it at the post office. I couldn't drive at the time, so every time they pulled that crap, it meant I had to pay a *taxi* to take me to and from the post office to get it. It got so bad, I had to start hanging out in the lobby when they were delivering the mail, and cornering them for my package when they got to my mail box.
I know what you mean for our regular mail clerk must have retired and we don't see her any longer. She was excellent. Excellent service! Friendly postal clerk all the time. She'd deliver our Swanson vitamin box and brought up the mail to our then second floor apt. She was so wonderful. She retired and now mail gets in other's boxes, with no outgoing mail slot we just put a note and left the outgoing mail for pick-up with no pick-up and everyday a new postal clerk delivers. We all miss our regular postal clerk a lot!
I don't remember the last time I have been to the post office. In a couple of years, letter delivery will be extinct.
Complain on the website and if you fear retaliation, you can post anonymously. At my last place, the deliveryman would force my magazines through the door slot and sometimes damage them. I complained but later they brought in someone worse. They not only talked a lot but when I was in surgery, they delivered a new credit card in a partially-opened envelope. That took more than a year to resolve.
My usual mail lady is good. I recently had an issue though and the package I mailed was supposedly never delivered, and it wasn't scanned from the time it was picked up until it got wherever it ended up. The buyer lived in some sort of apartment, so I don't know if she's a scammer, got the package and just said she didn't, if someone else stole it from her box, or if it got lost somewhere along the way. I ended up having to speak to a Postmaster who tried to track it, but the situation was never resolved. I had to refund her purchase cost plus shipping, and lost out totally. I paid extra for the package because I wanted it tracked, but because I mailed it (put it in my mailbox for pick up) on a Saturday, it wasn't my usual mail lady, so the person never scanned it, so I had no proof that I even put it in the box. The USPS's only suggestion (of course) was that I pay more in the future, and ship it Priority, or send it registered mail. The package was 2 ounces, so I don't see why I should have to pay more than $2.50 to mail it, especially since I could have just stuck a first class stamp on it and ended up the same way. I specifically paid the extra $2.50 rather than using a stamp, so it would be scanned and have tracking. The service of the USPS seems to be severely lacking these days.
I would have the post office hold my mail except for the fact it would be very hard for me to pick my mail up. I work a full time job and the post office is closedby the time I get off work. The postal carriers just need to get it together and do their jobs right.
I agree, they need to get their stuff together and do their jobs right. If they don't, you could try renting a PO Box that is open around the clock or at least extra hours, especially with the holiday season coming. I had to do that years ago for a while. I get mail at this house for people who haven't lived here in ages. I've been here more than six years, and still get it for several people who lived here before the tenants before me. I'm glad I haven't had too many issues with packages I've shipped or ordered, but the incidents seem to be increasing.