For anyone who is a fan of this brand, I'm not trying to put you off it forever, but I thought this should serve as a good warning to at least check the product first prior to consumption. Although, to be fair, apparently it has also happened for Hershey's Kisses and Cadbury chocolates. From the article I read, it seems like Reese's claims that the cause is due to some storage conditions and it may have happened during transport or storage prior to selling. Anyway, I don't know the science of how maggots get into food, but here is the video of the girl who found it along with the article I read. Log In [video=youtube_share;gLCLuU1wCh0][/video]
Major gross out... I'm also wondering how maggots can get into those Reese's too. They along with other major brands need to really be diligent about making sure they monitor their products so people don't get turned off by eating them. I don't eat candy but that would turn me off to eating that brand if I did.
This is really disgusting. Unfortunately, it's very likely that a lot of "foreign" stuff ends up in the food that we eat. This really speaks to the cleanliness of the factory where this candy was made.
I did not want to read this! ugh. I love reeses. I am pretty sure that most of the products we consume contain things that would make us gag. If we only analyzed everything under a microscope, we would not eat anything at all. I recently read about an article describing nasty foreign particles inside some famous beers in Germany. It can not be all that bad... it will only make us stronger, right?
This is so gross! I love Reese's! I think that even though this happened in another country, I will still put off eating their peanut butter cups for quite some time. I can still picture the maggots in my head! Ughhh...
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups crawling with maggots began spreading like wildfire on the social web. As is often the case, the rumors lead back to one clip, but the virality of the footage is creating the impression for many Twitter and Facebook users that Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are routinely infested with maggots.