Let's Compliment Great Customer Service

Discussion in Stores Reviews, Comments & Complaints started by mtgirl • Sep 28, 2012.

  1. isabbbela

    isabbbelaWell-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    First and foremost, this is a great thread idea! We complain so much that we forget to compliment and support. To me, the best customer service is out there are Starbucks and Mac cosmetics. Starbucks is known for their outstanding customer service, and the hype is not for nothing. Every time I needed something from them or had a problem they work with to solve it and in the nicest way possible. With Mac cosmetics, I am so pleasantly surprised by them! My brand new foundation fell the floor and broke, hurting my fingers and splashing all over. I sent them an email just to tell them what happened and why I thought the bottles should not be made of glass. Can you believe that they offered to give me a brand-new foundation? They still didn't send it to me, it's been a while, but just the idea that they called me to tell me that they would give me another one was awesome.
  2. mariee

    marieeActive Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    So this is a site not many people will be interested in but Orchardcorset.com sells authentic corsets, girdles and bras. They have amazing costumer service. I dot a defective corset and they sent me a replacement very quickly without asking me to ship the defective one back to them.