Okay so does anyone ever eat left-over takeaway food for breakfast the next day? I've done this on more than one occasion with pizza, I like it
As far as I'm concerned, anything that's good enough for dinner is good enough for breakfast. Actually, I usually take it a step further and make whatever is left over from dinner into an omelette. I've found that anything at all can go in an omelette, though I wouldn't bother if it were pizza, haha!
I could never figure out why the majority of breakfast foods are sweet. Pancakes, waffles, french toast, cereal - all carbo-loaded and sugary (if you add syrup!). It is my opinion that you should listen to your body and eat what it is that you're hungry for. It isn't always these token breakfast foods. In fact, it seems A-OK to eat breakfast for dinner so why not dinner for breakfast?
Considering the many years I spent as a college student (and a broke one at that)? Oh, yes I do - I mean it isn't going to hurt you and you mustn't leave food about. Someone is liable to snatch when you aren't looking and then where you be? ...While I sound like a starving dog standing over it's bowl. And I am okay with that.
Well, I don't see why anyone wouldn't do that! Why should we be wasting a perfectly good meal that we couldn't finish the day before? I too love leftover pizzas for breakfast and in fact I find them a treat since it beats having the usual toast, pancakes or cereal. Warming them up in the microwave makes for an awesome meal to wake up to and in fact I find that leftover pizzas taste especially good! If I have meats leftover from the previous night's party, I'll also make sandwiches with them the next morning or simply dice them up to spice up the mundane omelet!
My mother and I actually do this. My mother would cook dinner which is what we will also eat for breakfast the next morning. It saves us from getting up early to prepare for breakfast.
Yes, I've done pizza for breakfast, and cold sausages. I've also had a hardboiled egg that was left over from the night before's salad. Who says certain foods are for breakfast anyway? Mind you, a friend of mine will eat leftover curry or Chinese takeaway for breakfast. I draw the line at that - curry or special chow mein before lunchtime? No, sorry, I can't do that.
I agree. When my husband and I went to Japan, the breakfast options were a huge array of fish and vegetables, along with a small table full of typical "American" breakfast foods. I was not brave enough to opt for fish for breakfast, but it just seemed to be the norm in Okinawa. It would be a great habit to start though.
I admit it, when I was a kid I would eat left-over pizza the next morning. Other left-over breakfast items: doughnuts and cake. Generally, though, I have fresh items for breakfast: cereal, chocolate soy, apples, etc. Now for lunch and dinner that's a whole other question.
Sometimes I will eat a late breakfast/early lunch. When it's an in between time like that, I will. Otherwise, I stick to something lighter for breakfast during the week. Then on weekends, it's usually something like bacon and eggs.
Not so much breakfast but it does become the next day's lunch quite frequently...the only leftover food that I think is breakfast appropriate would be cold pizza. I sometimes buy an extra pizza just to let it sit out on the counter over night and becomes cold, breakfast pizza.
I love leftovers for breakfast. I usually have no time to cook breakfast, so leftovers area godsend. Left over pizza was my favorite breakfast when I was in college. Now, whatever I had for dinner is fine.
I have eaten leftovers for breakfast on weekends. Generally though, I try to avoid heavy foods in the morning because I get sleepy. Then I need a nap by the afternoon.
Perhaps as lunch, but not for breakfast. I'd not like to start the day with leftovers; and I wouldn't feed the children that. But then, some leftovers taste better than when they are fresh!
Oh absolutely. In fact, I frequently plan my dinners so that I can have them for breakfast or lunch the next day. I often prefer eating whatever it is cold instead of hot, too. I just had baked macaroni and cheese for breakfast.
I also plan my meals so that I can have the leftovers for lunch, somethimes breakfast as I don't really like the regular breakfast food types. I usually eat fruit, yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast. Or what ever is in the refrigerator.
I hear you... I find that the act of cooking in the morning really starts my day the right way, even if that is "cooking" leftover dinner into a "fresh" omelette. It's a bad day if I don't have time to cook myself a hot breakfast. If I'm going to eat leftovers cold, it will definitely be for lunch, not for breakfast.
A local church near us sells pizza on Fridays, and one of the pizzas they make is an egg pizza. I guess they just put some garlic and olive oil on the crust, then scramble some eggs and pour them over it, and add some green bell pepper and parmesean cheese, then bake it. I would have no problem eating that for breakfast the next day. I don't usually eat leftovers for breakfast though otherwise. I just don't have a craving for lunch/dinner type food in the morning. I'm more of an eggs/toast/orange juice type of person.
It is rather true that cold leftovers tend to taste better when eating them as breakfast. I have no idea why, but I guess the rewarmed stuff just has a kind of greasiness to it I don't favor.
That's a good point about the greasiness. I guess it just feels too much like dinner and feels really heavy when you warm it up. When it's cold, it's more like a snack that can be eaten and moved on from.