Curious to know what the difference between a laptop and a macbook is? I know that a macbook is smaller but wondering if there are any other significant differences?
I'm guessing you mean like the difference between a Mac OS and a Windows OS? If so here's the difference. Windows: more viruses, more software, more designs, cheap. Mac: less viruses, better software, better designs, expensive! I hope this helps for the quick tip.
I've had the opportunity to use both, and the most prominent difference I've noticed between Windows and Mac laptops is that Mac laptops seem to run fast for much longer. I have both brands I bought in the same year, and the Mac still runs very well until today which is about 5 years in, while my Windows laptop is running significantly slower already. Granted, the Windows laptop was way cheaper than the Mac and had I bought a Windows laptop at the same price range, it might have turned out differently, and also the newer models might not have the same problems anymore, but ever since then I've grown to trust and love Mac laptops a bit more despite the expensive price tag.
The difference would be the price and the operating system. Macbook's are really expensive, with the price of an entry level Macbook, you can purchase a high performance gaming laptop with a few spare change to buy a cup of coffee. As for the operating system, Mac OS is more user friendly and is slightly better when it comes to productivity but the problem would be that Mac OS doesn't really have that much software to play around with. On the other side, Windows OS is more for the geeks and has a lot more arsenal of softwares to choose from. I personally prefer Windows based machines, but I've used both Macbooks and Windows based laptop's and to tell you the truth they're both the same to me.
At a certain point in time and Apple Computer was about 10 times better than any PC in the world. In this day and age to be honest you are safer getting a PC compared to a Mac. Tracy has finally managed to close the gap. There managed to catch up with Apple. Their product is pretty much as good or if not better than Apple at the moment. The computers run a whole lot faster, the software is a whole lot more seamless, and they don't get viruses like they used to a while ago. A PC laptop is pretty much robust and assaulted as a Mac computer. The more expensive you by your PC the better the specs will be and the more it will out do and Apple Computer any day.
I think you mean Mac laptops vs. PC laptops. At certain points I've had both items. At the end of the day though and rather after a few years I realized the Mac laptops were superior. For some odd reason they're built using all proprietary components and the OS is usually so "sound" that they rarely break. I have rarely had problems with them. Actually I've had my MacBook Pro for about 5 years and I've never had it do anything remotely off or crazy or out of the ordinary. It really does just simply "work."
I'd agree with fivebyfive and completely disagree with lovemwaf; Mac products are superior in performance to PCs of just about any comparable price point. At this point, after loving PCs for most of my life, I am seeing the light. MAC just works, and performs consistently for years. If you want cheap, you have to go with a PC, but if you want quality in both the OS and the hardware, it is Mac hands down.
MacBooks are laptops. Compared to windows laptops what I like the most is the OS. OS X just works so much better than Windows, without many bugs or errors and without a lot of common viruses and malware (viruses and malware for Mac are possible but so rare that you don't even need an antivirus on Mac). I find it more intuitive, easy to pick up and learn than Windows. Like how much easier it is to install and uninstall programs. When I used Mac for the first time in a couple of hours I had gotten the hang of the OS, but now when I use Windows I find it harder to get used to. I still haven't figured out that weird Windows 8 completely. One thing I love about my MacBook is the trackpad gestures. It's a mix of their hardware working perfectly with the OS. My partner has a Logitech trackpad on his Mac Pro and even tough it's the same OS the performance is not the same. So one of the pluses of Macs is how the OS is made to work perfectly with the hardware. I also love that the MacBook has great battery life and the batteries last long enough. The negative is that the battery is not user replaceable. But by the time they are failing is usually time to buy a new laptop anyways, as opposed to some PC laptops that have really short battery life. The biggest con of MacBooks and other Apple products in general is that they are much harder to repair on your own so it's usually best to take them to a certified Apple tech if something happens, and if you are out of warranty that could get pretty expensive. I've only had to repair mine once in the 4 years I've had and it was under warranty so no issues, but I think it's failing again and this time it's not going to be worth repairing it. I've used both Mac's and PC's and I don't think I would ever go back to using PC's as my main computer. I just love the way my Mac just works and I'm planning replacing my MacBook with another one when the time comes.
I've never been able to have the MacOS experience as I've been on PCs my whole life. I think that PCs are OK they just get bogged down with extra stuff that isn't useful and could be cut away without too much trouble. It also somehow has way to many exploits, if PC manufacturers and software developers actually addressed these issues for real I think they'd stand a chance. I say this having not really been a Mac user though so I'd still like to try it, after all if clear problems aren't fixed in the best ways possible then perhaps its a message to us all.