Jessi Moves Again - Part 5 - Clean out the Pantry

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by Jessi • May 5, 2014.

  1. Jessi

    Jessi<a href="">QuirkyCooke

    Mar 31, 2012
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    If you don't know the series, here's the backstory:

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    This tip serves a few purposes:

    1. It reduces your grocery cost for the month while you're moving because you're living off items that you mostly already have.

    2. It also reduces the overall amount of stuff you need to move. If you're renting a uHaul or making multiple trips, then the amount of stuff you take with you can matter.

    3. It also reduces the amount of *time* you spend with moving. The less you have to pack, means the less time you have to spend physically moving the items, and the less time you spend unpacking it all, too!

    I have often times found duplicates of foods tucked away in my pantry that means I end up wasting less in the long run. I can finish up any items that are near their expiration date or know that the next time I'm at the store, I shouldn't buy this or that item because I already have an extra in the pantry.
  2. LindaKay

    LindaKayActive Member

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I think this is an excellent idea. As I replied to another one of your threads, I also think it's critical to get rid of as much stuff as possible before you move if you aren't going to use it. It's always good to use up those half-empty boxes of pasta rather than carting them to your new place.