Isn't "Dobson vs. Sebelius" (anti-abortion case, I think) a Waste of Church-Resources?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Jun 20, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Dr. Dobson--CEO of "Focus on the Family"--is investing a lot of time & energy (& money) in overturning a Court-Decision that allows abortion (or am I mixing this up with '"HOBBY LOBBY" Green's case against Obamacare's attempt to force the company to pay for employees' abortions'?... same-difference)

    Jesus' Great Commission for His disciples was that they (we) should 'make disciples of all whom we encounter.' I think that if Dr. Dobson were focusing on doing that, he wouldn't have to worry about his disciples 'squelching the possibility of any potential-disciples.' (Same with Green ... actually, even MORE; since he HIRED-the people or -their hirers!)

    Wouldn't church-resources be better-spent on educating currently-ACTIVE humans to become non-abortional disciples who train even-MORE non-abortional disciples?