Have you ever heard the saying, "Everything in proportion"? or perhaps, that it's possible to have "too much of a good thing"? Well, I've been thinking about whether these sayings can be applied to the area of exericse, and I find that thought to be really tricky, because of the many benefits that are innately found in working out. Our health practitioner tells us to exercise often, we hear our parents tell us to do it often, the commercials on television advise us to get in as much quality exercise as we can, and to balance this with a solid and varied diet. But, is there a remote possibility that we could sometimes do too much? What I'm getting at is: can we do too much of a certain type of exercise, or of exercise in general? Personally, I'm a "workout fanatic", and so I engage in exercise at least five to six times for the week, but I've had my fair share of joint pains, muscle contractions, and other exercise-related injuries. And I've always wondered a few things: Are certain exercises safer on the joints than others? How often should we engage in the exercises that are beneficial but tough on our joints? Would really love your help!
Yes you can definitely do too much of an exercise, or too much exercise in general. Ideally you would do 60 minutes of workout (combination of cardio and strength training) for 3-4 times a week if you're trying to maintain your body weight. If you're trying to lose weight, you need to bump it up to 4-5 times a week. If you don't give yourself rest days in between your workout, or just rest days in general, your muscles can get fatigue and not function as well (or rather not build up as well and work in it's top condition). You can also exhaust your muscle to the point where you're at risk of injuring yourself. And yes, certain exercises are best on certain joints Generally speaking, swimming is the best for all joints; it's low impact, but you're still using all your muscles and burning a lot calories for every hour you swim (that's why swimmers can eat as much as they want and not gain weight). Running is probably the worst on your ankle and knee joints, because we humans are just not built for running despite years of evolution and modification.
Absolutely, you can do too much. Most injuries are a result of overworking your body. Sometimes, it's an immediate injury, but a lot of times, it's after a period of time of wearing the body down and the person doesn't even realize it until it is way too late and something really bad happens to a ligament.
Moderation in all actions and inactions, is key to being balance and healthy, in my opinion. So yes, one can over-work their bodies and possibly harm it more than he/she were never to work out at all! I've seen my brother-in-law do this with his weight lifting many times in the far and recent past, and it takes him awhile to heal up from it, which causes him to lose all that he put into his workout for the time he is healing. I too, have done this a few times, which were not caused from my direct exercises but from other activities, and it set me back in my work out plan a lot. I say,"Survival comes first, check it with safety, and don't over work your body, because it does have many known and unknown limitations!"
As mentioned above you can actually do too much exercise and this can cause you more problems than good. Your body needs to get adequate rest to recover. Safe exercises for your joint can include Cycling, swimming, leg press, wall slides, standing hip abduction, standing mini-squats, and straight leg raises. You also don't need to exercise more than three times a week for about 40 minutes.
Very much so. A lot of exercise related injuries are actually related to over-exercising and not knowing your own bodies limits. The key is to work up to hard exercises and workout routines. If you start going hard in your first workout, you're risking a greater chance of injury. Also knowing how to stretch properly and doing it before and after workouts reduces the chance of injury.
Yes! When it comes to sport, there's no limit to what your body can achieve! You might get so overwhelmed of what you can do! Life of a gym is so hard only when it comes to working your body only instead of your brain as well. Doing too much of an specific exercise or exercises in general, Is just a prove that you are progressing Physically and Mentally as well, that means your brain has reached to the level that (Nothing's Impossible) for you to reach! For your brain sometimes fail you, telling you that you can't do this or that, or you can't do too much of this or that, but that's only your brain playing tricks on you to make you forfeit or quit whatever you're doing or about to do! Trust me, when you are at the gym, Unchain Your Mind First, Then get blown out of how your body will have No Limits of doing the exercises! I have experienced the feelings of never getting out of the gym after i finish all of my exercises, I feel like, Now I'm Just Getting Started!
Too much aerobic exercise can produce huge amounts of lactic acid. Too much of this can cause serious pain even if you've stretched. Do not push yourself over the limit too much. There is a difference between being tired and being worn out entirely!
Yes! "Overtraining" is definitely possible. If you don't eat right, don't rest well and just go on like a training machine you will surely fall into the overtraing which basically means you will "overburn" and lose a lot of muscles and maybe even get sick because on the certain pressure on your body to repair the muscles your immune system will be weakened and a lot of viruses and bacterias might take advantage of it.
I heard from someone that you can exercise too much and it would result in burning muscle instead of fat. I was provided a lengthy explanation but ive forgotten most of it now. I tend to believe it though since it somehow sounded very sensible. It had something to do with your heart rate going past a certain point and starting to get energy from muscle rather than fat. I'll have to look it up again but for now I'm going to play it safely and moderate my exercises from now on.
Don't ever dare it. It would only be possible for a short run, but not in the long run. If you are trying to pull that long, for months or even for some weeks, your body will end up fatigue and you might possibly have burnout. When this happens, you wouldn't be able to pull an exercise for quite a long time. Worse, you might even be that traumatized to engage yourself in exercise. I would suggest then that do your exercise in moderation, and avoid pushing yourself too much.
You can hurt yourself if you do not let the body fully recover after workouts-also you need to eat the right meals which gives the body the right nutrients as well so it can recover. I would stick to to shorter workouts that get your heart pumping and your body sweating-exercise is a great thing but to much of a good thing could hurt you sometimes as well. Stressing the body out can even weaken the immune system.
Yep, it's possible. And really does more harm than good. Over-exercising causes a spike in cortisol, and cortisol is BADDD when it comes to weight loss. It tells your body to store fat. Where? In the mid-section, of all places. Slow, easy, moderate exercise has worked best for me. Sometimes I've even lost weight when I skip exercising. Another thing to remember, exercise, especially heavy, intense exercise, will really boost your appetite, and you may end up eating more than if you'd never even worked out. Over-exercising can also increase your chances of a sudden blood sugar drop, and THAT'S when you really overeat to compensate the quick drop in sugar so you won't feel so shaky. NOT a good idea in general. Every time your sugar drops, your body thinks you're starving, and goes directly into fat-storage mode.
Over exercise can harm your body. Even athletes can suffer from too much training as they become slow. It is because they have muscle fatigue. Some others, athletes or not, can develop muscle swelling. In some cases, aside from pulled muscles, there's also the torn ligament. My rule in exercise is to observe my body that when it is already complaining then it's time to stop and give it a rest.
I agree with what has already been said about over-exercising, it can be dangerous. People. Have literally had a heart attack and died from over exertion. we all need to have exercise, and as we get into better physical shape, we can exercise more, and it is okay to do this as we develop muscles and stamina. After my heart operation, I could barely walk around; but I found that water exercise worked better for me, and i started doing that. At first I could not even swim the length of the swimming pool without stoping and holding onto the side rails to rest several times. Because I am also a senior citizen, my recovery was slower than a younger person’s recovery would be; but I am now able to swim and do water exercises for an hour each day, plus I walk 1-2 miles most days. You just have t find that line between not enough exercise, and too much, and push yourself to do a little more each time without overdoing it.
I think overexercising result from doing strenuous workouts which the body can not withstand. This situation is risky since it can lead to potential health problems. What individuals should do perhaps is to avoid exercising beyond their limit. And also to take into consideration what they eat during exercises.
It probably depends on what you mean, because if you mean having too much muscle or being uneven, I have certainly seen some cases of that, but it is rare I bet. I also bet that there are a lot of people who need to not over stress certain parts of their bodies so that might be something to pay attention to.