Until recently, MSG was not that much talked about, but for some reason there suddenly came a rush of concern a few years back that lead to a few of our local restaurants to start using MSG-free as a draw on their advertising. I've also seen a lot of comments online from people who seem to absolutely despise the ingredient, which made me start to wonder how warranted those comments really were. I mean, MSG is a very important ingredient in chips and similar snacks and obviously no one has banned those yet. So I'd like to ask you guys on what your opinion of this ingredient is, and if you think the uproar is warranted.
I don't really get why MSG is regared as a bad thing. I mean if it's really so harmful, the government wouldn't have labeled it as safe. If we're talking about excessive intake then yes it could be harmful but so is eating too much meat or anything for that matter. Anything can be bad for our body if we take them too much, practice moderation is the best way. I'm sure a little MSG here and there will not kill me per se, it will actually give additional flavor to my meal.