When equipping a new office does a fax machine even cross your mind? I think that's not really used anymore, everything is done by email, but the place where I worked at 2 years ago still uses it regularly for some things.
I don't personally need a fax machine, but yes, there are still lots of offices that use them! I actually just had to go to Staples a few weeks ago because a business required that I fax them proof of residency and they didn't have an email address that I could simply send digital versions to.
I wouldn't buy a fax machine at this point. There are Internet and email fax systems that you can use, if you don't want to buy one. I fax things so rarely any more that just having it done somewhere is good enough for me. Ask at your bank. Depending on what kind of account you have, you may get a couple free faxes each month and then be asked to pay a small fee for any after that.
I don't really find them much of a thing anymore, outside of certain large offices which aren't willing to change. As someone who got into computers after the fax machine hype was over, I still find them extremely fascinating in the sense that you can put a paper in one end and have it come out the other near instantly. Maybe this'll have some use with 3D printer tech?
They are still a thing. I used to volunteer at my mothers office and they still used them. I was actually surprised at how often they used it. Though, I've never understood why they still have them, as they have a fully functional network set up in the office and throughout the entire company. It's just easier to scan and email documents and such now, but to each their own I suppose. I found an online fax system a few months ago through some website. It would fax everything for you, all you needed to do was scan your items into the system through a scanner. Not sure how long that will be around. I didn't really think there was a need for something like that at this point.
For me, fax can be used in fast-paced offices. Other than that, it doesn't make any sense it at all. Just look at the paper where the page was printed at. The print out is so temporary and is not reusable. But there are printers with built-in scanners and fax machine though.
I don't have a fax macine but I do need one to send documents once in awhile. I go to Office Depot to send them when I must. It would be my preference to scan the documents required by the company. It can be inconvenient to stop and go some place to send a fax.
Some clients and third party service providers would prefer to communicate or send files through fax machine. It's not imperative all the time except in rare cases when those you transact business with specifically demand to have files sent through fax. For convenience' sake, most offices purchase 3-in-1 printer-fax-scanner machines to accommodate various types of communication.
Fax is actually still quite common in today's business world. Millions of these machines are in use around the country on a daily basis, and some businesses find them vital. People can't always email things, and faxing over documents can prove far easier in those circumstances. The average person doesn't use a fax very often, but sometimes it's a necessity.
I make business cards for my clients from time to time and some of them still have fax numbers on them so I guess it's still a thing in my country. Though, it has significantly been less and less visible to me since the last time I ever saw a substantial amount of business cards still having a fax number was about 3 years ago.
I currently work in an office within the Yellow Pages company. We use the fax machine daily at our venders requests. It's used very commonly here. Perhaps smaller businesses wouldn't profit from expending the money to purchase a fax machine, but in a large company like the Yellow Pages it's essential.
I haven't had to use one in quite a long time now but I know some places still do have them. I know just recently my brother was required to fax something, so I suppose they're not exactly a thing of the past yet
I had to use one recently to get my identification to Amazon Mechanical Turk. However, I did not have to use a physical fax machine. There are several free fax services available on the internet. I would not have used it if I was sending my SSN, of course. The free fax sends an advertisement to the recipient on the cover page. FedEx stores still have faxes available, but I believe they cost around $1 a page. Some public libraries will fax something for you for a reduced cost.
Of course it does. When you are relaying a memo, it's still more efficient than having it sent by mail or by email. If you email it, the sender would still have to print it out. Unlike when you send it via fax, it comes as if it's mailed, only that it's faster. If we are to save time and convenience, we could still count on the fax machines than the internet. Also, fax works even without the internet, and there are times that internet fails us.
Fax is still very much alive here in the states. As a matter of fact, most company stores fax all their employee info to the main office so that its in file in a few different places. I also know that those that work online have to fax papers to the main office.
In my line of work, fax is still very much a necessity. As a freelance writer, I have a very simple contract agreement that my clients are required to sign before I begin any project for them. This document protects me from work theft and financial loss and gives them peace of mind that I am not out to rip them off. As you can imagine -- most of my work is done via the internet and I never meet many of my clients in person - so in order to get that paper work - I have to e-mail them the documents, have them print and sign and then fax them back to me so that I have a signed contract on file for them. This process would not be possible without a fax machine.
I think a fax would be a mandatory item still. I know signatures work great over a fax. I always thought a fax machine is something special to have. It's like a phone but not. Sometimes at our office we would send funny messages to people. I think for a lot of informational paper work it is for sure needed. I know you can copy and paste or even just click print in an email but it is kind of like getting letters in the mail. I think it is more professional looking with faxing.
Some people still require faxes for some things. Just the other day I needed to send some documents to someone and they did not allow them to be sent via e-mail, and told me that I could only mail the documents, bring them in person, or fax them. So yeah, even though it may not be common, faxing and faxes are still used.
Faxing isn't as common as it used to be, but a lot of businesses use fax machines. I have a fax, printer, scanner combination machine. I rarely use the fax function. A couple of weeks ago, I had to fax something to a newspaper. I was really surprised that faxing was there main point of contact. My mother works with real estates agents in the southern part of the United States. She faxes stuff all the time. Not everyone is up-to-date with their technology.