Who are smokers here? I think that most of the smokers know how harmful smoking is to ones health and according to studies, most of the smokers want to quit smoking but were just afraid to the after effects of smoking. However with the advent of new technology, e-cigarettes were developed with aims of replacing real cigar. Well if you take a look at it, you basically get the same feeling and taste with the real cigar, the huge difference is that you are not inhaling nicotine which is the substance that is actually harmful. I have been convincing my dad to buy e-cigarette instead of buying packs of real cigars but I couldn't quite convince him. what do you think should I do? From my point of view, using e-cigarettes is very practical but the others think the opposite way.
The electronic cigarette is a device with the appearance of a small metallic pen based on the principle that produces steam from a product, the propylene glycol. Unlike traditional cigarettes, these devices doesn't burn tobacco, so that, in theory, it prevents combustion of a large quantity of carcinogens sustances. Many claim that this product is safe, however, may have some toxic effects. This is non-carcinogenic, but may produce throat irritation or problems in respiratory tract. In this case, I think your father should consult with a professional. That way, both you and he will have peace of mind about the use of e-cigarettes. Anyway, you should be aware of the opinion of others who had that experience with these products.
Aside from consulting with a professional, most people respond well to incentives. Why don't you give him a material/financial incentive or any kind of incentive if you tell him to quit smoking?
Well my dad has his pension and doesn't really has a hobby or anything except for football and basketball on TV so I can't think of any incentive so far that he will buy. Buy anyway yeah we have tried consulting a professional about this before but to not avail because he'll stop for a week and then continue smoking. @Bloomatic yeah I was thinking of buying e-cigarette and try again if my dad would stay on it. I think that's the only way to get rid of this smoking problems.
I was tried e-cigar but it don't feel like your smoking actually. Its not like what those native Indians taught us. I still prefer burning the cigarette with nicotine in it. Although you like the idea for having no carcinogen on the ecigarette, your father will still know the difference and will eventually go back to sticks.
E-cigarettes do have nicotine in them. That's the whole point when you're using them to give up tobacco products. Nicotine is addictive still, but is not carcinogenic and does not contribute to lung disease. A lot of the other additives in tobacco products are more addictive and far more harmful to your health, so even with nicotine, these device are far better for you than tobacco.
I'm glad to be reading this post, as I was interested in trying them myself. I need to quit smoking, but I'll probably just end up doing it the way I have in the past- cold turkey! Much cheaper!
It's not healthy to inhale these either.. air is all we should be putting into our lungs. That's all they're made for. perhaps it's better, but it's not tackling the real problem.. which is addiction. You need to handle that. He also has to be ready and willing to let go of it.. the hardest part. If he's not.. if he's looking for quick fixes that will make it easy, he will fail. replacing one with another is just prolonging the toughest part.
For me it is practical since the price is almost the same as cigarettes if not lower, and the future health risks are significantly lowered as well by switching to it. I wouldn't recommend the low powered e cigarettes though and instead I would more be in favor of the vaporizers which are a lot more powerful and give off the same feeling as you would get from a cigarette. In my experience if the substitute isn't as good then I'll most likely just turn back to cigarettes.
I think it is a great idea, as they aren't as bad for your health, and cost a lot less than cigarettes would have done if you were a heavy smoker. You should remember, though, that they are not to be used forever - so you should only ever be trying to use them if you are attempting to withdraw from smoking entirely. But as a way to stop smoking I would say that yes, you can absolutely get a lot from using these.
I actually saw an article the other day, citing that vaping with an electronic cigarette is just as cancerous as smoking analogue cigarettes, due to the ingredients that are in many of the vaping oils or e-juices. I still have my electronic cigarette, but I don't use it anymore. I agree that you should not overuse an e-cig if you are using e-juices that have nicotine in them, because the whole point is to slowly lower the dose of nicotine until you are no longer dependent on it.