Most of us are working people or student, some have kids, basically we have a very busy life. What do you think is the best way to invest in our health in the short time we have free? Exercising at home, riding the bike to work/school, heating healthy, what works for you?
I think the best way to invest in your health is buy a gym membership, and and go at least 3 times a week. A healthy diet would not hurt either. Substitute Soda for water, and candy for fruits. That is my regimen.
I think the best way to invest in your health is to wake up early and get a 20 minute workout in. People say they don't have time to workout but the truth is you do, you just need to find the time! And waking up 20 minutes early is a great way to find the time.
Those are not bad ideas at all, I just think we need to realize that our health is important and that we need to invest in it, being this waking up 20 minutes earlier or going to the gym. By doing this not only we feel better, but we are actually saving on health bills later!
Since it's cheaper, healthy and less time consuming, I exercise at home. Got myself some good equipment and made a daily schedule. Instead of music I listen to some tutorials and thus manage to both study and keep fit at the same time. I also learned to cook the food myself so I have a lot of control over what I eat and once more, save money.
The "best" way to invest in health? Wow. That's so broad. I think forming healthy habits and balance is probably the best thing you can do. It wasn't until I got married and had a child that I truly started focusing on eating 3 round meals a day and sleeping the same hours each night. It has been the BEST thing I've done for my health, ever. I'm almost the mother of four kids, and thinner and in better shape than I've ever been in my life. I don't work out more (less actually), but I eat better, and I have a very healthy routine. Routine is everything. It reduces stress, encourages balance, it is everything. I also encourage everyone I know to get in the habit (early) of cooking and sitting down to a family dinner. Even if it is just you and one other person. It has been proven to reduce all the "high risk" behaviors that kids these days engage in. We do it and I firmly believe it is the best thing (habit) I have in my life and for my family.
That is broad all right, but hearing what each one has to say can inspire others to make our health better and save money while doing it. I'm with you about the health habits and while it seems something really basic to be done, so get shocked, most people don't have health habits, most of us are lazy and don't do the simple things that benefit ourselves...!
For me the best way to invest on my health is to make sure I’m on a healthy diet and I workout whenever it can. I have been on a diet for three months and I have lost almost 20 pounds. To me that is a great accomplishment towards a better health. Ever since last year I have also been going to the gym more often and it has been giving me good results. I think being healthy is a must and we should do all we can to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Well done to you isabbbela, but I look at the example of my wife for example, she quit her gym since last June (yes, almost one year ago) and never returned. She doesn't exercise and doesn't pay attention to what she eats, so she won some weight. Now she bought some pills to make her thiner...!!! What?? Against my advice of course, nothing like exercising and eating properly.