This week'sLog In features an article about how "OKC's second main-street" shows that segregation is alive-&-kicking---that we're more a 'mixed bag' than a "melting pot." And a middle-paragraph in it (stating the average-income of one section vs. the average-income of a section just across the highway from it) inspired my 'letter to the editor': The 'point' of the letter (which the Title above--which was the subject of the letter--implies) was that 'income' should only be PART of 'what marks one's worth' ("but old men like me don't bother making 'points' ... there's no 'point'"--Council Chairman in MATRIX RELOADED) I guess I'm asking: What other worth-markers can one use to raise one's esteem to/above the level that a high-income grants? (I.e. I am better than most people but they have a higher income than me; how can we fix this?)