How long for a family of four? lol. No, I don't care about travel enough to do things like that. I wouldn't feel safe in a prison and sewage? Doesn't that open us up to illness?
Eh... does sound interesting. I think it depends on what type of job it was and how bad I wanted a free flight. What company offers this?
I'm not exactly sure what company but it's endorsed by Mitt Romney. He joined up with a airline so I guess he can be found through a Google search!
Oh yes, no questions ask. Would be brilliant. And look not every time will it be a sewer so luck of the draw hey. That is an awesome deal, wish they did that in South Africa.
It depends on how much I would be traveling. I mean I would love to travel the world for my work, but after a while I think that lifestyle would just get old for me. I would eventually need a break from it all.
I agree the break would be well given to most of us. Of course it would really depend on how much we have to work. They don't have those details but imagine you have to work as much or even more than regular work hours would pay for the same trip, then clearly it wouldn't be worth it. But if it was a good deal and it didn't require that many work hours and labor, then maybe most of us would go if we knew about it. I believe this is only offered in the states but I'm sure jobs like this can be found but instead it's in exchange for money rather than labor. I think half of us would do this sort of thing!
Heck yes! That's like a dream job for most people that want to see the world (like myself). Being able to travel for your job is an amazing opportunity to discover new things and possibilities. That could be a very rewarding experience.
It would be a dream job if it was for a short period time especially. I would prefer to work a job that is fun so I don't have to work more than regular job hours that would just pay off in the same way. It is worth it in the end. I hope it spreads worldwide so it becomes available to more people!
Probably not. If it were a job I could tolerate, I'd be willing to work extra hard for 2 or 3 days on it. I'm not particularly fond of sewers or prison, though. But I do think some of these types of jobs are alright, at least by me. If there was an offer for a job that I could stand, I might give it a second thought or even more. Otherwise, I think it might be best for me to just accumulate some side income slowly instead, which is pretty much the same anyway, but the effort and sacrifice is just more spread out throughout the year.
I would have to say it depends on the job. the sewer is a bit overrated for me. Being that I have worked in the prison system for over 13 years as an correction officer the prison wouldn't bother me. I would love to get free flights its a great experience to travel and with you have to pay some much for everything now days something free would be great. I just don't want to have to be dragged threw the mud to get it. But I would gladly do it depending on the job.
I think I'd prefer a job such as working on an aircraft or a ship and get to travel that way. I also like the idea of traveling for writing or photographing. Those sound like really good ways to spend my time - relaxing, but still work and still exploring.
Yes agreed with you 100% about the mud. Dragging through mud for a couple of plane tickets doesn't sound worth it as I'd rather serve coffee or even clean shoes until I make enough for a vacation lol. Then again many people would love to suffer for a day or two for a full out vacation for their families or partners. Many people would sacrifice to get something that they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford with a regular job. Wouldn't it depend on the prison job though? Maybe they require people to clean out the sewage system or something gross?
If It means that I will learn something from the experience, then I would do it. I will not do it just for the free ticket, or meal. In a give and take situation, I have a need to understand that I will benefit not just from the free gift, but from being exposed to something I could not otherwise.
Work in exchange for a free flight? Sure! The cost of air fare is expensive. So, if I had an option to do a job for a day or two in exchange for free plane tickets, I jump at the chance. It would be much better than shelling out big bucks. I did see another way - though - of getting a free plane ride on TLC's Extreme Cheapskates. This lady actually bummed a ride. YES! Her actions let me see that where there's a will there's a way. This is the woman. She is a millionaire, but is very frugal.
For me it would depend on what the job was and how long I would have to work it. If I didn't like the job but the hours were short I might do it, or if I loved it and had not ties in my current job life. I would be curious to know if the cost of the hotel and flight are more or less than the value of he work you are doing.
I seriously would do anything, work-related in order to receive free travel. I think it's a great idea! I am researching this topic tonight. Thanks for the thread!
I think it really depends on how expensive of a flight they would pay. If they would pay for me to fly international, I would totally do it! If I could make more by working at my job, I would work at my job instead.
Its all done the to work I would to do for that free flight. I wouldn't do it for those jobs but I would definitely do it for jobs that I could actually enjoy doing. If I had take care of some kids for a day, hell yes! If I had to drive around old people in Rolls Royces .. HELL YES!! lool its all down to what I would have to do for it
If you are getting nicely paied then yes if not then definitely no coz why whould i will take so much of headache and travel elsewhere and do work when i am not even getting paid well!!!
So, you'll work where you live and get paid in plain tickets or something like that? Why not work on your regular job, and buy the tickets yourself? To be honest, when I opened this thread I thought we are going to talk about being a travel writer or photographer or something like that. I must say that I would really like to be a travel writer/photographer. I've actually considered taking some courses so that I could become a travel guide in some foreign country. As we live in this Internet day and age, I'm not really looking for a job as a travel writer, I'd just start my own blog or sell my articles to a bigger website about traveling.