What kind of icecream do you usually buy? Do you get brand one for a few more bucks because it's "better"? Do you get the ones with a blank brand because it's cheaper and they all taste the same anyway?
I buy brand name ice cream if I'm going to eat it, but if I'm going to make a milkshake, then I buy cheap ice cream because it's all going in the blender anyway and other things are going to be added to it.
I'm an ice cream lover, so I tend to buy ice cream in all shapes and sizes, whether it's branded or not. Then if I don't like the taste, then I won't buy that particular ice cream ever again.
I go for the better one, coz it's worth it to buy, I think the ice cream with brand names taste good honestly.
I could be said to buy what's cheaper, but honestly I just wait for sales - Publix has them regularly and so I can get the stuff I love quick, fast, and in a hurry. That said my favorite ice cream is actually a gelato - handmade and very expensive, but the best quality.
I usually try to buy ice cream that perhaps had less sugar and less fat and other ingredients that I just want less off. I always pay attention to brand but to me the ingredients and calorie count is much more important. Therefore I try to balance out both aspects before I purchase something.
I would seldom get particular over a certain brand of ice cream, since the ingredients for it are so minimal and straightforward I figured there is only so much you can do with it to make it unique. It seemed to me most of the price discrepancies were due to branding. However I did start to read about some of the techniques certain smaller upcoming brands are using to differentiate theirs from the others and how it changes the texture of the ice cream. I think one of them, for example, partially cooks the eggs or cream or whatever, to give it a smoother texture.
We don't have generic brands here in my area other than boutique stall ones at the mall or from street vendors. I honestly eat any of them and sometimes would even prefer the cheaper ones, because they have a distinct style to them that bigger brands just obviously won't stoop to. Of course, when it comes to street vendors, their products are probably less sanitary, that's why now I'd only buy from stores.
Usually the bigger brands. Not sure if I would actually call it "brand ice cream", but some of the bigger ones probably have some prestige built around them. I'm never getting the most expensive ones, though, since they taste pretty much the same as normal, "mid-level" (for the lack of better term, lol) brands do. Cheap ice creams aren't my thing, though. They taste pretty bland, and usually you can taste that the texture is kind of.. fluffier in your mouth.
I'll usually go for Ben & Jerry's or Hagen Das (is that how you write it?). I do think these are the best quality ones. Of course, there are some cheaper alternatives that have good ice creams as well, but in general the more expensive ones are better... not all, but these ones I mentioned, for example, may be a bit more expensive than a generic brand, but they are so good!
As I mentioned Publix is great for having sales on expensive brands - including Ben and Jerry pints. I can grab two or three pints at a time for the cheap and that is a beautiful thing. Also getting the Hagen Das bars - particularly anything in white chocolate.