You know what? I don't really like the food that Pizza Hut offers. Their pesto pasta is so dry, their pizza does not taste good, their chicken is not tender and juicy... I could go on and on. But there's one thing that I would like to commend - their crab salad rolls. It's cheap and it tastes good! Take a look at this pic. Maybe it would make your mouth a bit watery?
Those are crab sticks right? I wonder if there's really any crab in those stuff or just flavored flour. Either way, I have no problem with them. Makes me kinda hungry right now, how's the sauce?
I'm not aware that they offer that dish already, but then again, it's been a while since I have eaten at Pizza Hut. Since I like eating crab, I will make it a point to try it out, I hope I will like it as well.
The crab rolls look so-so. I am assuming though they probably taste good or you wouldn't be writing about them. The only thing is that I am leery about buying fish at fast food restaurants. It's the one protein I don't want to get on the cheap. You could get ill so easily.
Wait, *those* came from Pizza Hut? I don't see them listed anywhere on their site. Perhaps this is something in a limited trial. I would assume it is imitation crab (looks like it), but I really don't mind that stuff personally since it's just white fish that has been re-shaped. Is there anything other than crab in them? Those look good, but those spring roll wrappers go bad right away if you don't eat them immediately (they will stick together real bad and become tough and leathery if they sit in the fridge too long.