I get free Redbox about every two weeks with Viggle

Discussion in Mobile Apps & Games started by ragtimeannie • Jun 21, 2014.

  1. ragtimeannie

    ragtimeannieActive Member

    Jun 14, 2014
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    Viggle is an app for your phone that allows you to check in on TV shows and music and gives you points to spend on prizes. Most of the prizes I find require too many Viggle points for my taste. I prefer Swagbucks for money and giftcard prizes. But I do love the Viggle prize of the free Redbox movie. It's only 6000 points. I can easily get that prize every two weeks just by checking in to music I'm listening to when I'm going about my daily household chores. So every other week, we have a family movie night for free, which is pretty awesome. :D
  2. Mayvin

    MayvinActive Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    ONLY 6000 points? Sounds like alot to me to try and rack up to get to one free redbox movie. By "checking in" to music your listening to I take that to mean LISTENING to music? But that sounds good, if it really is that easy to get a free movie every other week.
  3. dustysmommy2013

    dustysmommy2013Active Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I just downloaded Viggle earlier this week and so far, I am really loving it. I am a SAHM and no, I do not stare at the TV screen all day but I do usually have it on for background noise. When a new program comes on, I will check into it and then as long as I don't check into something else (I have found I can check into songs at the same time), I receive a point for each minute that I watch. There are no quizzes at the end to get points so even if I am only half paying attention, I get the points. Last night, I watched the NASCAR race with my husband. I received twice the points for every minute and I also played the live trivia game as it went along.

    I also listen to music in the mornings so with every new song, I check in and receive 25 points plus any bonus points from watching ads. You're only allowed to check into 20 songs a day.

    I haven't decided if I am going to spend my points for Redbox Rewards (which I already have enough for after only about 5 days) or save them for something bigger. Today, in the merchandise section I saw a TV and several kitchen appliances. It really does seem like a good app so I'm curious to see if they really deliver on their rewards.
  4. MikeyPaine

    MikeyPaineActive Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Interesting, I might sign up for Viggle as well. Can you get games instead? I'd imagine they'd cost more points than a movie, but I'd still be interested.