I had complained against this seller as they confused me about their combined offer. I assumed it was a repeat of my earlier order. Amazon in regretted for this confusion and assured there will not be a repeat of this. Sadly this is the only seller who has what I am looking for Would you continue placing your orders if you had a similar experience?
That is a hard choice to make since like you said they are the only ones that have what you are wanting. I guess if you are assured that the confusion will not be repeated then trying ordering with them again might be okay. I think giving them a second chance would be good because they may fix their errors that happened to you previously. You may be happy that they have fixed the confusion and things will be easier.
Amazon is without a doubt the best and the most honest seller online at the moment, they have competitive prices and great service.
I had ordered for peanut butter with chocolate. Earlier there were two of them I assumed it was the same the next time I ordered but one turned out to be just crunchy peanut butter. I think I will give them another chance.
You know there is always something that confuses you. I would give benefit of doubt to companies like Amazon provided they responded to your complain and made their stand clear. It's always a possibility that we misunderstand a particular item so we have a choice of returning it to the seller with their "No questions asked" policy. However, I would purchase again if they do not repeat the same mistake again.
In this particular instance I too have a role to play in not reading the contents in depth. This has taught me a lesson and these days I do take time and study whatever is available before placing my order.
That is true, we as buyers also must make it a point to read thoroughly about what is on offer, but then the sellers too have a moral responsibility to treat customers with respect and make provisions in their policy if the customer is not satisfied. After all, customers are the ones who keep the sellers adrift!
As long as they correct their mistakes and replace or refund my money then I don't see nothing wrong with that. Amazon is a reputable store, so I think that they will always correct their errors and resend the items or refund the money.