How often do you teach your pet a trick?

Discussion in Pets started by shanalyn323 • Sep 6, 2014.

  1. shanalyn323

    shanalyn323New Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Recently I've taught my Boston terrier some tricks. We've taught her how to throw her tennis ball , shake for a treat and I'm slowly trying to teach her to "speak". The way we got her to throw her ball was, I would sit on the floor and say "throw the ball Lady" (her name is Lady) and I would bounce it and let her retrieve it. She would bring it back and I would do it again. It took a few days but she eventually got the hang of it. So now when I say it , she wips her head around so the ball goes flying. I've noticed she really likes the mint treats and all natural peanut butter treats so we're trying to Incorporate them into her training too! Has anyone else taught there pets any Neat tricks? and how did you get them to do it?
  2. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I have a cat, but I don't really teach him any tricks, and at this point it seems hard to do so since he is already turning 10 years old. We do have 2 dogs though, and they were taught some tricks like "sit" and "stay" when they were young, so it was retained in their memory.