I have been on a diet for the last 45 days? I am on vegetables and more vegetables, some meat and fruits. I am getting used to this lifestyle and liking it very much. I know my friends go on a seven day diet or a 14 day diet whenever they think they need to slim down.. How often do you go on a diet? Does it help you remain slim down or maintain a constant weight.
I personally don't believe in dieting, in the terms of limiting certain kinds of foods. I do manage my macronutrient content though, less carbs when I'm working out for endurance and quite active in my daily life and more carbs/fats/proteins when I'm training for strength gains and size. For me the best way to achieve results related to food is to know exactly how much you are putting in your body daily, portion control is more important for me than limiting certain kinds of foods.
I very rarely diet. I can stay lean throughout the year as I eat healthy and natural food - meat, eggs, fish, avocados, coconuts, vegetables, fruits and safe starches in moderation. Eat healthy and you will not need to diet. However, I'm on a strict diet at the moment. I wanted to lose 5-lbs in 2-weeks before Christmas. I achieved my goal in the first week.
I'm no friend of the diets. I prefer balanced program, at which point they differ. Diet is a short-term food project, with a defined objective. Furthermore, the nutritional regimen has long-term results, not only related to the aesthetics, but also has its basis in the health care. I think that is the notion that all should be directed. It is noteworthy that it is always advisable to have the advice of a professional nutritionist. There are diets that beyond providing good results are dangerous.
I was always perpetually dieting. Now, I just changed my overall diet. I have eliminated meat and prepackaged, refined foods from my diet. I cook most of my meals when before I mostly ate out. I have lost weight and inches, but most of all, I feel better.
Weekly. I'm not even joking, at least once a week I will either talk about going on a diet or try a diet. The reason I don't stick to them is because I love food and I haven't found a way of getting past the parts in the day where my belly rumbles loudly enough to wake the baby in the next flat!
Each year I do a cleanse, which I guess is different from a diet. From March to August/September, I avoid all sweets and just consume vegetables, fruit and other healthy stuff for me. From September until February, I eat whatever I want within reason of course. However, what I've noticed, is that the cleanse has helped me out in the long-term because I'm still eating a lot of veggies (not fruit unfortunately) and I'm consuming less meat.
I never go on diets. I never intend to either. I think of it more as a lifestyle. I do occasionally start cutting back on sweets and cheesy dishes when I realize my clothes are fitting a bit tighter. I don't do anything drastic, though.
I agree with most of you here.. I think a life style change is what is needed not a quick fix diet... I have been correcting the kind of food I eat.. cut out the sweets and the carbs and feel much better for it.. I am not planning to ever go off this lifestyle.. I may have days when i have to eat stuff I don't eat just to please my hostess once in a while,.. but otherwise I have found a way of ordering healthy stuff for myself even when I eat out.. I did find it hard to adjust to this life style in the beginning .. but now I am happy with this.
It seems like I go on a diet every 5 minutes, if you ask me. Seems like every time I turn around, I'm on another diet. I really don't like diets, I think that a person has to commit to a lifestyle change, which it sounds like that is what you are doing. 45 days?! Whew! Kudos to you, my friend! I'm not jealous at all Lol
I think you are making a great lifestyle change! My husband and I follow a mostly Paleo diet and it has helped him lose over 60 lbs. over a couple of months. He is in the best shape of his life and a lot of his health problems have subsided or went away completely. However, I will admit, Blue Bell ice cream has been a constant on our weekly grocery list. I think most people can really benefit from committing to a mostly whole foods diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. I do not think there is any real need to constantly be on a diet.
I never diet for weight loss. I try to eat healthy and balanced and my "diet" doesn't consist of meats or fattening foods. I only eat small amounts of bread or sugar so I don't worry about restricting myself. I also fast periodically so I don't find the need to count calories or any of that kind of stuff.
I think my major problem (apart from loving food) is that I pretty much live on takeaways, that is the downside to living with someone who is housebound, they have lots of things to moan and complain about and my dad's favourite is to stand at the kitchen door and moan constantly about me making a mess before I've even got anything out of the fridge. So I just head to the local pizza parlor or chip shop to save another earache.
I don't believe in "going on diets"...I personally would rather have a healthy diet all of the time. If something needs modified, I will. For instance, I've cut soda out of my diet completely. I'm also thinking that I may need some more protein than I'm getting, so I'm working on incoporating that in various ways. But imo, dieting should be a full time thing. It should be about establishing a healthy diet to begin with...so it's not so mcuh that you're "on a diet" but instead you're just eating healthy .
I don't believe in dieting, it's not healthy and doesn't work. It may give you the weight results you're looking for temporarily, but if done incorrectly, it will come back when you're done and just because you lose weight, doesn't mean that it's healthy. look at weight watchers and all those big name programs.. such a joke. People need to care more about the foods they're eating and not just to lose weight, but to stay healthy and unpoisoned. THAT seems to be the joke to the majority though.. it's a little backwards.
I don't need to go on a diet because I eat healthy all the time. My 'diet' consists of meat, eggs, fish, some high-fat dairy, vegetables and a little starch in the form of potatoes or rice. I don't eat many carbohydrates, about one or two portions per week. The key to a healthy diet is to eat more natural fats and cut the carbs.
I rarely go on diets anymore because it just gets too complicated. I try to eat healthy and make the best decision concerning food on a daily basis instead. I belive in healthy lifestyles rather than just going on diets once and then gaining everything back a while later.
I don't go on diets since I feel like I don't need one. I'm overall, pretty skinny, but I usually eat some vegetables throughout the day. I would grab a bag of carrots or celery and just snack on them for fun.