These days there are more and more gamers and there are dozens of different platforms where to play them. What is your favorite platform to play games? Do you usually play online or offline? And how often do you buy games, do you spend a lot of money on them or do you go for the promotions?
I must be one of the few people who has never bought a game and never will, simply because they don´t interest me. I see my friends´children glued to their big screens, pressing buttons, endlessly abdorbed by all kinds of games. My boyfriend, who is a big kid, also plays games regularly and tried to get me interested, but they just leave me cold.
My favorite platform to play games is on the PC. I play offline and online. I only buy games on sale, why pay full price when you can wait and buy it 75% off? I'm actually an avid gamer and I play all the new releases and I'm always playing an online game or two. As for how often I buy games is about maybe 3-4 titles per month and the cost of monthly subscriptions for online games.
I play PC games nearly everyday, both online and offline. As for buying the games, I usually wait for the big sales during the Summer and Christmas times, until then I just build up my wishlist so I know what to buy when the time comes and games are extremely cheaper.
What is your favorite platform to play games? I mostly play on Steam, PS2, or N64. Do you usually play online or offline? Offline. When the gaming industry started putting everything online, I was too poor to get in with the times. Now that I would be able to, I still choose to just play offline. The only exception is Steam which I play L4D and TF2 online. And how often do you buy games, do you spend a lot of money on them or do you go for the promotions? I buy games maybe two or three times a year. The Summer Steam Sale, the Winter Steam Sale, and maybe once at my local used video game store.
I don't really have a favorite platform. I guess it depends on my mood but if I had to choose it would be either PS3 or Gamecube as those are the ones I play the most on. I play PS3 mostly for the music/rhythm games though and Gamecube is good for the Mario series. I let my scores be posted online for the music games but I don't really compete against anyone. I usually just buy games when I have saved up enough in my rewards programs for an Amazon gift card.
I do not really "buy" games much anymore, partially due to me focusing on other hobbies, lack of money and other factors. I usually do buy a game if it has an online component or I have extra money laying around and want to support the company.
I am a PC gamer and really always have been. I mean when I was younger I played Nintendo and Playstation. However, PC is my favorite, it is just easier and I like the games for it better. I usually buy a new game once every few months. Unless I find something I love then I'll play that. All in all, I probably buy 3-5 games a year. It really depends though on how much I like one, sometimes it is less. I generally pay no more than $20-$40, though on occasions I have payed $60.
Yeah, as a non real gamer I also think that pc is the most convenient because you can play both online and offline without the cost of needing to buy another platform. Also, there seems to be always another platform and the games from one are never good enough to the other, so as far as compatibility goes it's a big expense.
I used to play games pretty often, but I haven't in a long time. I don't buy mobile games at all, for Android or iOS, or even my computer. I can download free versions of most games or rip them off the Internet if I feel so inclined. I can use the Humble Bundle to get games for PC and Android for pennies on the dollar. I'm just not that much of a gamer any longer.
I don't buy games anymore. There are so many good free games which you can download or play on the net that I don't see any reason for buying games. If I was an avid gamer, I'd have no option but to buy some games but fortunately I only play games occasionally so I never really can get bored even if I had only one game [to play for the rest of my life].
That's how I feel too Denis, I mean, there are so many free games out there why would I buy a game? But there are people that buy games on a weekly basis, I guess those are the true gamers and they spend hours and hours playing per day, but I don't think I could do that, I already spend a lot of time in front of the computer working, so I don't want to spend more time playing, I think it's unhealthy.
I don't really buy games too often, but I actually play quite a bit. It's just that I don't get bored of the games I play so I don't see the point in buying new ones, when I can just play games I already have. But i guess you could say I buy a game every 2 months, but more often than not I end up playing it for a few hours and then I'll go back to my usual games, because I'm more interested in them. It might also be because I'm very competetive and I'm already good at those games so I don't want to spend time learning the controls and tactics of new games.
That's good for you Navii, I think that it's more economical that we find free games or that we play the ones we have bought for a good period of time, I really don't get those gamers that buy games, play them in a week and than throw them to a corner. At least sell them after they finish I say.
I almost never buy games because there's just too many other free options. I'd sooner pay for more useful apps rather than just entertainment, and I have yet to come across a game that I like so much that I feel the need to pay or upgrade to premium. That said, I still do purchase games for my nephew because he's a not as easily amused as I am and he has less hobbies than I do as of now so games are most of what he spends his time on. Fortunately, he's not that interested with touchscreen games so I don't end up spending a lot.
If you're just talking about mobile games, then absolutely, most free games are good enough for a quick occasional session. If you were about PC or console gaming however, there is just a huge quality difference between free to play games and games that you pay for. If a person isn't a big gamer though, it's pretty easy to get by on free casual games, there are actually some really great choices out there, they've just overshadowed by the big productions.
I rarely buy mobile games, I game primarily on consoles. I have bought a couple off the App Store like Man of Steel since I'm a fan of Superman and the movie. Unless that mobile game is really good I'll buy it like Infinity Blade.
Yes, I can understand what you say Strykstar, if we are gamers we do notice every single detail in the games, so quality can become an issue, but if we are the casual player we don't really care, we just spend a few minutes per day playing, so it makes no sense to spend money on something we don't dedicate ourselves to seriously.
Do you watch movies? Do you read books? Do you listen to music? I ask because games are a form of entertainment and I've noticed that people who find playing a game for two hours "unhealthy" will watch a movie for 2 hours plopped in front of the TV. And people who say games are childish often know all the lyrics to the children's movie Frozen. I think it's messed up that people who disrespect games as a form of entertainment are addicted to other forms of entertainment. My ex used to comment on me playing Grand Theft Auto 4 for 6 hours and then he would watch 6 hours of Family Guy. Neither form of entertainment is superior. People who don't play games shouldn't congratulate themselves too much if they are still sitting in front of the TV despite not playing games on it. Sitting in front of the TV is still sitting in front of the TV whether you are playing a game or not.
Sometimes I buy them a lot more often then others. I'm a PC gamer so I mainly use steam to buy my games. I usually only buy something during a sale or when it's cheap to begin with, otherwise I don't bother. Which is why I can go on a shopping spree with video games, I guess, because of Steam sales.