Maybe 'adding keywords' sounds "nerdy"--something kind of obsessive--but it helps you get more responders. It does this by 1) putting your threads on the lists for people who search for those keywords & 2) listing that thread in the 'Related Discussions' for OTHER threads that use those keywords. (And I went took this text to to make sure it had enough words to qualify )
I always add keywords. I add keywords, or tags to every thread i start. That is the most effective, and easiest way for the thread to be found. Not adding tags would be unfair to the forum community as a whole. Keywords help improve the sites search feature, and they help the forum rank on Google. I believe that everyone should post tags when they start a thread. it will benefit the whole community.
... so is approving friend-requests!!! (Really, I 'like'-ed your response, & would've given it MORE 'LIKE'S if I coulda!)
I honestly never add in keywords. I know I should because it helps people find your post, and it helps people find the site on search engines and stuff. It's just habit not to for some reason.
Eh, I don't really think about it usually. I just post accurate thread titles, which means they're usually going to end up with keywords anyway. I don't go out of my way to do it, though.
I post keywords on all my threads. That being said, I only ever started one or two. Still, I keep it relevant so people can find out if someone's already posted something they want to post. It really makes it hard for some people to find things without such tags.
Doesn't this forum connect threads to similar threads ONLY IF the 'specified keywords' (as opposed to 'implied-by-being-in-the-subject-line' tags) match?
I try my best not to forget to write keywords but a lot of time I forget them too. I know that this will be very helpful to the forum and it's members so I'm going to do better in the future
Erm, I don't know. For this particular thread, for example, The forum is recommending this thread: Northern Threads (Log In). The only similarity between the two is that the title says "threads" in both. That isn't 'tagged' in either post, but the forum knows to connect them as being 'similar' anyway.
I don't need keywords. I like the challenge of remembering things, storing them in my mind. I deliberately don't use too many helping aids, as I only want to deal with the things that are recent and that I can remember clearly. Perhaps that is another form of being "nerdy".
Honestly, I would, I understand the answers as to why it's all well and good. That said, it does not appear that people actually search anything here. I will see threads started that have actually close to, or sometimes exact wording in another thread, and they are often on the same page! That would not even have taken a search to see. Short answer, no I don't, as it does not seem to be effective here. I can see that this forum has some good to it, I really can. Thing is I see more just see bringing up anything for the sake of having something to actually post. I come and go from this site because of that. I can see that when this forum was formed, it was about people helping each other on products, etc. I don't see a lot of that here, mostly chitchat that has nothing to do with the price of tea in China. Unless of course you are in China. For people in China, change that around to USA,
Actually, that thread does have "thread" tagged ('tags for this thread,' beneath 'similar thread') Like I said in the text of the first post (but who bothers reading THAT when all you need to form your opinion is a title!), 'tagging' connects one thread to other 'similar threads' (listed below the quick-reply) ... makes us OCDs feel useful ... You can FIND good deals in the appropriate categories. This category--'Off Topic Discussion & General Questions'--if for THAT. And I don't 'search' often either, but I DO sometimes click a 'Similar Thread' (from below the Quick Reply box) and THOSE are chosen mostly by matching the 'tagged keywords'!